Lost 3.12: "Par Avion"

Hey Phungi - That Mery Streep movie was “A Cry in the Dark”, based on the true story of a woman whose baby was killed by wild dogs, but who was tried for murder because the media didn’t like her.

Anyway, I enjoyed the episode, but I want Sawyer to get up off his bottom and go save Kate.

I liked the bit where eye-patch guy was talking about how the ones that weren’t taken were left out because they were flawed. Interesting bit of conversation that points to some of the speculation being right. It would be interesting to find out that in the end that the ones that were taken were actually the people that were doing some big “save the world” tasks…the other survivors were just and annoyance.

Speaking of the rescue note…It looked to me like they just rolled it up and slid it beneath an existing leg band. To which I say:

Anything a human can simply slide under a leg band, the leg band wearer will pluck back out in short order during a grooming session.

Not to mention…seagull, right? As in, a bird that dives down into the water to catch fish, not to mention spends time just bobbing around on top of the water. Even if the gull doesn’t pluck the paper out, what kind of pen and paper did they use that will stand up to prolonged sea baths and still be legible?

Mikhail did say “thank you” right before his horrible death, right? What’s up with that?

I think the idea is that the big guy he referred to–not Benry–doesn’t tolerate screw ups. Benry told the same story before he escaped.

I don’t understand what that has to do with him saying thank you.

Right – it was the last Ana Lucia flashback (one or two episodes before she died, I think), back in season 2. At the time, some of us in this thread thought that lady resembled Claire, and a few people speculated that she was Claire’s mom. I guess she must have been Aunt (Linsday?), instead. So there were some guesses that Jack and Claire were half-siblings back then. Good call, y’all! (i.e. y’all who guessed that back in season 2).

Spared him a worse fate at the hands of the master–or brought him into the master’s good graces that much sooner.

Okay. It looked like the worst fate ever to me, but it was fast anyway. Do you suppose the Master can speak to all of them wherever they are?

I betcha it turns out the migratory birds just fly around in circles and return to the island every year without ever having landed anywhere else.

The island seems to screw up navigation, anyway.

I also betcha the little tag on the bird was part of a Dharma Initiative experiment. Maybe an experiment to find out whether the birds are just flying around in circles or not.


Oh, here’s another question I had. Claire and Lindsay said they couldn’t afford the care for Claire’s mom. But doesn’t Australia have a national health service?

Ahhhh, but how would he know that the danger isn’t in his bunk? Perhaps his bunk is filled with scorpions today. (And if not, then it should be!)

Maybe you need to have a Dark Mark on your arm to get through… :wink:
I’d guess they have an off switch. But only controlled by Ben, or a limited few, perhaps. Maybe Kate/Sayid/Locke are counting on finding out how to turn off the perimeter?

I can see how she was upset over how she had what she thought was a wonderful idea, and Charlie immediately discounted it and said he didn’t see the point. Clearly that’s going to hurt her feelings. But you’re right, she throws the “Stay away from me and my bay-bay!” tantrum all too often. A little extreme just because Charlie didn’t think her idea was as brilliant as she did. She overreacts a lot. (She gets away with it because she’s a hot chick and Charlie wants her.)

Maybe the dingo ate your bay-bay!

I haven’t read through last week’s thread, so maybe this was already mentioned… but…

Last week seems to have solidified the notion that the Others are not Dharma people, but rather who the Dharmas referred to as the Hostiles. Clearly, Ethan was among their number (Hostiles) – so I assume Ethan was not Dharma.

We saw Ethan in Juliet’s flashback, when she was first recruited for… whatever. At the time, I thought maybe she was being recruited for something to do with Dharma research on the island, but now… Maybe Mittelos (the company recruiting her) is funding the Hostiles or something?

I never did the whole “Lost Experience” thing over the summer, but in perusing some things about it, I know that one of the names was Thomas Mittelwerk (who supposedly worked for Dharma but then overthrew Hanso or something). Maybe Mittelos was created by Mittelwerk – and the Hostiles are his people? Overthrowing the original Dharma people? With a takeover occurring on the island, as well.

Although, Eyepatch said something last week about the Hostiles being on the island long before Dharma. Although he certainly could have been lying. (My speculation above would seem to indicate that Hostiles came to the island specifically to overthrow Dharma).

Anyways… I like how the Search Party story has been moving along in the last couple of weeks. Partly because we’re getting a few more answers in the form of info from Eyepatch. And also because the Search Party is more interesting with Danielle in it. Good exchange between Danielle and Kate this week – “I haven’t asked questions about my daughter, because I don’t want to know the answers.”

I’m not sure if we can believe EPG. In fact, we know we can’t believe him, so I don’t think we can assume The Others are not Dharma. If they were simply “hostiles”, I don’t think they’d be making excursions on and off the island.

So, we all pretty much knew Jack and Claire were half-siblings, but it’s not to get the actual confirmation. And every time I think I’ve seen the worst wig in a backstory, they come up with another one-- Claire’s. Maybe it’s not noticeable in SD, but in HD that was one awful wig!! And Sawyer is now reading “The Fountainhead”. Interesting, but “Atlas Shrugged” might be more appropriate (Galt’s Gulch).

Good episode, all in all. Locke’s secret almost came out, and I presume that EPG was about to say “Jacob” when they thought he was talking about Benry.


I thought that one of the creepier things that was mentioned was when Eye Patch said that, since the sonar beacon was off, the sub could leave the island but never come back. I interpreted it in the wider sense that you physically can’t get to the island(s) unless you are guided there – that it is not visible to the outside world.

I liked the look of utter shock and horror on Kate’s face as she watched Jack toss the football with Tom.
Poor Sawyer—no nicknames for a week. It must be killing him, though he did attempt to call Claire “Barb” (which is short for what? Shrimp on the barbie?).

I liked the look of utter shock and horror on Kate’s face as she watched Jack toss the football with Tom.
Poor Sawyer—no nicknames for a week. It must be killing him, though he did attempt to call Claire “Barb” (which is short for what? Shrimp on the barbie?).

Oh! That reminds me. Did you see the ugly red spot on Jack’s arm? It was on the inside of his left arm, just above the elbow - an oval about 4 inches by 2 inches that looked rubbed raw. A new implant? Did he drink the Flavor-Aid?

My guess was simply “Barbie”, as in “Barbie Doll”. Or maybe “Barbie With Special Bay-bay Whine Action”.

He asked them to kill him last episode. Didn’t give a reason though. Maybe the same reason Miss Clue asked him to kill her (which we also don’t know).

I dunno – that looked like a pretty swanky compound, as uncharted-island-cult compounds go. I bet they could afford to spring for at least the Wyler’s brand.