Lost 3.12: "Par Avion"

I think the most important part of the whole episode might turn out to be Claire telling Charlie that she isn’t giving up on him. I liked her more saying that line than I have in any scene till now. Between her and Desmond and who knows what else, Charlie is going to escape his “fate” which will somehow save the world. He’s the cheerleader.

You know when you get those things in the mail that tell you you’ve won a fabulous prize. And there’s a list of prizes you could have won. And you just know the prize you’ve won is the three-day vacation to some exotic resort. And you just know that once you get to the resort, they’re going to try to sell you a time share for the condo in the exotic resort location.

You should totally throw those away.

I’m just sayin’.

Yep. :wink:
BTW, Eyepatch seemed to be about to say something revealing or meaningful to Locke, when Danielle interrupted him in mid-sentence. In the scene where he was taunting them all with “And you, Kate Austin, you’re a complete stranger to me. And I know nothing about you, Sayid Jarrah…”

One would think that Locke would want to go back and hear him complete his sentence – but instead, Locke pushed him into the sonic brain-squisher field. I wonder if he was about to say something that Locke wanted kept secret.

I seem to recall that he sounded like he was going to say something like “But I know a little something about you John Locke…I know that you when you came to the island, you were pa…”…and that’s when Danielle interupted him…or something similar to that I think.

Yeah, he said something like “The John Locke I know was para…” Obviously about to say “paralyzed”. And so far, Rose is the only person who knows Locke used to be in a wheelchair. Of course he didn’t want Mikhail to complete the sentence.

I think he said “The John Locke I know was para…” I assume he was going to say that he know Locke was paralyzed which would match what Ben says in the preview.

All we know is that he’s magnific—

I have developed a theory I call the Grand Theory of Epocity.

And it goes like this.

This show is shaping up to fit along the plot lines of most great epics. Good vs Evil, long history, sometimes fantasy, deep character development, quests, and a Hero. I am obviously not particularity schooled in this area but I started thinking about it a while back during the second season. And following the “epic” type movies I have watched in the past there seems to be a common plot line, and it gives me some clues of how the show will likely unravel. We don’t have a hero yet but in most epic we are introduced to the hero early on. We sometimes don’t know who the hero is at first and sometimes the hero does not know either or is often reluctant. Characters introduced usually the good guys, the story develops, evil/quest is introduced and built up and the hero emerges often with a power of some sort. Then the battle or climatic phase begins and the good guy win against all odds. We may have already had an epic battle on the island it looks like but that is just the start. Revenge will be had.
I think that the pre-island flashbacks will finish up by the end of the season. Main character development will be over at that point. The Real Evil will be introduced/become more defined for the cliffhanger. Next season epic battles will be had. Then wrapping up. The good guys will win and there will be a wedding in the end.Unless of course they stretch this thing out to long and it gets canceled.

So on to my real point. And more supporting evidence. The greatest line ever in Lost.

“I am you father.”

She had to have killed him in Australia. I can see it now.

“Hello. My name is Claire Littleton You are my father. Prepare to die.”

That was so Star Wars, epic and Princess Bride, and Dope .
Will Clair and Jack be the heroes? Is Jacks dad the Evil one? Who is the Emperor? It it the one Patch Man mentioned? Is it Jacob? Are they on our side kinda? Will we join forces with who we though of as evil to fight the true evil ones?

Of course all of this may not mean what I think it means.

I think Walt knew he was paralyzed. And Walt had a connection with him.

Oh, yeah… about the bird. Wasn’t that a seagull? Are seagulls migratory…? And what happens to the message when the bird lands in water and the ink/paper gets all wet?

  1. Yes, they migrate.
  2. Ummmmm…I don’t know.

I think Miss Clue and Eyepatch were willing to die/be sacrificed to protect something or keep a secret. Either that or they were so miserable, for reasons yet unknown, that death wasn’t such a bad proposition.

Count me in as one who’s confused about slipping a piece of paper under a damn band on a water bird’s foot.

Stupid young people - they SO lack forethought…

I would have at least figured Jin would have been like “hey, we can use this special seaweed, dry it out and make a box out of it for the message and special sap to make it waterproof” or something (or…"no. Seaweed…box. Glue. See?)

If my man Sayid were there he’d all be making an unbreakable glass tube out of melted sand and 4 goblets to match! He’s never around when you need something very critical done properly.

I kept saying that the whole episode, how are they going to attach a message that won’t fall off or get wet. It’s a dang seabird, it’s going to get wet. He may have put the note into something and attached it to the leg band but they cut away before they showed too much detail of what he was doing.

I also think the birds probably can’t leave the island either so it’s not going to matter since it won’t get anywhere.

Locke’s behaviour is very strange… Over at the fuselage, people reckon he was told a lot more than we saw after pressing 77 - which would explain things.

It seems to me that Locke is taking the side of Dharma and trying to get some sort of revenge or stop the others from doing whatever they’re doing. He must have known The Flame would be destroyed. I’m guessing he took the C4 because some recording on the computer told him that something else needs to be destroyed in order to stop the others.

Edit: Thirty-Nine, exactly what I was thinking… there was more after “press 77”.

Also, the one thing that bothered me about that episode:

Look at those trasmitter things. They’re half dome shaped. Now why the hell would you assume they create a field which magically stops at the top of the pole they’re mounted to? There’s no way in hell I would have tried to go over those things. There’s no way a character like Sayid would have either.

If they did work that way, then surely it would have been as effective for the Others to build… I don’t know… a wall?

I’m hoping that the Losties were wrong - Mikhael was killed by it because he was tagged or something. That they needn’t have bothered climbing other.

We’ll see…

I had a similar thought. If you can go over them and so on, it seems like they only work when you get directly between their line-of-sight to each other. Which means they could have walked under them.

I agree with you, but the domes are mounted – somewhat stupidly – on either side of a thick square pole. There is clearly a dead zone between the two hemispheres. You can’t go under it because the pole’s there, but if you go over, right on top of the pole, you might be okay. Of course, if I were designing a system like that, I’d make sure that each hemisphere’s effective range was twice the distance from post to post; that way, each dead zone would be covered by the two neighboring hemispheres. Also, I’d mount the hemispheres on a thinner pole, and include a lightning rod.

No, it was the episode where she died.

I, for one, am so glad that Lost is BACK! This episode had just about everything in it that addicted me to the show.

I’ve heard somewhere (probably here) that the actor that played Eco quit the show to be with his sick father. Could it be the lackluster episodes to date were rush jobs as they “wrote around” what was amounting to Eco’s critical significance?