I was enjoying Sawyer’s suggestions regarding Ben…
“Well, here’s an idea…! Why don’t we take a gun, point it at his big toe, and send that little piggy to market? And if he still doesn’t want to tell us, we’ll move on to the roast beef…”
I was enjoying Sawyer’s suggestions regarding Ben…
“Well, here’s an idea…! Why don’t we take a gun, point it at his big toe, and send that little piggy to market? And if he still doesn’t want to tell us, we’ll move on to the roast beef…”
Sayid is a definite, since he so identified himself on the golf course.
Yep, it was 31. First clock was at 02:45:03, and then they panned over to the second, which was at 03:16:23. Then Daniel says, “31 minutes… oh no, this is not good.”
Great episode.
So, there is a “list” off-island just like the one on-island. Ben is the master manipulator. And the Island must be at some energy well, that creates some sort of relativistic time shift. Maybe the magnet creates that.
Did anyone not pick up on Ben’s voice in that last segment, before they showed him? They didn’t do much to disguise his voice…
So, who is “the economist”? Hanso? Whitmore?
Flight 815 was brought down by the big magnet when Desmond didn’t enter the code once.
The magnet has been imploded, no?
I know you’re not referring to the current episode, but it’s pretty clear Ben was lying when we see an entire stack of passports in his secret room…
So, weren’t there a bunch of other Others out there? What are they up to?
First, a few links.
Daniel’s timers - http://lost.cubit.net/archives/2008/02/4x03-a-wrinkle-in-time.php#more
Naomi & Elsa’s bracelets - http://lost.cubit.net/assets_c/2008/02/4x03_braclets-thumb-470x528.jpg
Also, is Ben using the name Moriarty? - http://lost.cubit.net/s4inv/4x03_bensPassport.jpg
OK, my weird theory based on random thoughts, the other 815 and that Orchid station orientation video that came out at ComiCon.
Suppose that we are dealing with alternate dimensions or parallel worlds here. Suppose the Island is a “nexus” or something where alternate worlds connect.
Suppose that Flight 815 in “our” world crashed into the ocean trench. Then suppose that another Flight 815 from another world was pulled into ours (by the magnetic effect on the Island) and crashed. That explains where the other plane came from.
When Jack was talking about his father at the end of last season, maybe his father really is still alive in this world? Or, last episode when Charlie was talking to Hurley, maybe Charlie died in one world but not in another? That’s how he could be “dead, but also here”.
I dunno… just speculating here.
I also think that Ben’s spy on the boat is going to turn out to be Michael. When the helicopter is about to leave in this episode, Daniel is fairly insistent that Frank has to fly out on a very specific heading. Remember, back at the end of season 2 when Ben gave Michael the boat, he is also told to leave on a very specific heading.
Suppose Michael gets back to civilization and gets picked up by Abbadon’s people. They realize who he is and get the general location of the Island from him, as well as the specific heading to use to get to and from the Island.
Of course, this raises the question as to how Ben and Michael established contact with each other again, but it is obvious that Ben has considerable off-Island resources so maybe they got in touch that way. (I don’t think Ben has had time to get off Island himself since Michael left.)
Just random thoughts.
I have two things.
First, why didn’t Desmond take the empty spot on the chopper? He was at the site of the helicopter. His whole mission in life is to find Penny. People on the boat had a picture of Penny. He had nothing to stay on the island for. What was the deal with that?
Secondly, the part about the incoming rocket was interesting. Jack and Frank looked like they were mildly concerned while they were listening to Dan and the person on the radio. However if I were there and heard that conversation, I would have sprinted outta there faster than I’ve ever ran before. I mean a boat 20 miles away just shot something at a beacon that is about 50ft from where they were standing.
Dean Moriarty, it appears. As in the character from “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac.
IIRC, the number on the tail of the helicopter was some letter-842-some letter. (8 and 42.)
He did leave on the chopper, didn’t he?
He did, didn’t he? Isn’t he in front with the pilot while Sayid is in back with Naomi’s body?
Bumping – this is driving me crazy. I rewound it and watched it a couple of times and I couldn’t figure it out. Is there a transcript available on line somewhere?
I thought I did see him on the helicopter? No? Wasn’t it the pilot plus room for four? (Charlotte, Sayid, Naomi’s body and Desmond?) Or was it four including the pilot?
Depends on what you count as an instance of the Numbers. In this episode alone…
In the coffee shop where Sayid first meets Elsa there is a sign that says “1516 Rein”
When Daniel is comparing the clocks, one of them changes to read “3:16:23”.
The number on the helicopter is 842
As an example in the previous episode, when Hurley and Jack are playing “Horse” Jack gets H and O. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, O is the 15th. Hurley also says he first saw Charlie next to the "Ho-Ho"s.
Charlotte stayed behind.
Desmond was definitely on the helicopter.
As for a transcript, I don’t see anything online yet. Too early, I suppose.
For those who care
It was four total, Frank, Sayid, Desmond and the body. Charlotte stayed back saying she had things to do. I also see where my confusion came from over the clocks. I thought it was a timer and not a clock so I thought one said 25 minutes, the other 31 minutes, so it took the rocket 6 minutes longer to get there. Not that the actual time matters that much, I got the point about the time difference.
I was a little suprised that Jack and Faraday just stood around while a missile fell near the feet.
Personally, I would have ducked.