Lost 4.03: "The Economist"

What was Sayid’s final line? I heard Ben say, “Good.” What did Sayid say?

“Now they know I’m looking for them” or something like that.

ETA (Which is what he said before Ben’s line, what that what you were asking?).

He didn’t say anything after that.

I didn’t catch anything after Ben said “good”.
So, Ben, Mr “never leave the Island” is off the island, but I’m guessing he is NOT one of the Oceanic Six - I’m guessing he got off the island secretly (in order to keep the island safe?)

Why does Kate want to leave the island (other than to be with Jack)?


Now I’m thinking that Ben is the mysterious person that Kate was referring to in her airport meeting of Jack.

Mahaloth asked for Sayid’s final line, which wasn’t the final line. I don’t think anything was said after Ben’s “good”. I also don’t think Ben is part of the Oceanic 6, since he wasn’t on the Oceanic flight. He got off somehow!

Sayid cleans up pretty. :smiley:

Was the bracelet he was fingering on Elsa the same style (same one???) as Naomi’s?

This was finally one of the better ones of the season. How much time difference were the two clocks? I thought it was something like six minutes, but don’t remember for sure.

Also did anyone else catch the episode before with the extra stuff. They don’t seem to do much, but there was something interesting about the guy on the phone and relativity I think, but now I can’t remember.

Pointed out by someone on another board:

All of the Oceanic 6 we’ve seen so far in detail have become what they hate.
Jack is a drunk
Sayid is a killer
Hurley is crazy

Perhaps Kate is trapped in an abusive (or at least, loveless) relationship?

I think it was something like 31 minutes, or close to that. (Definitely in the 30s, because Faraday said something to that effect).

I think he said 36 minutes, or 30-something anyway.

I concur that Faraday said “31” or 30-something.

vivalostwages - do you know the name of the guy Sayid shot or are you asking? If you know - TELL! :smiley:

I caught the last 5 mins of the previous episode in “popup mode” and I saw something interesting. Or stupid. When we see the photograph of Ben that Miles holds up, the popup says something like “This shows that Ben was lying when he said he’d never been off the island.” That sounds kind of stupid and tricky to me. He’s standing next to a computer. What does that mean? There’s tons of computers on the island. Bah!

Can someone tell me what Sayid said right after Ben said “remember what happened the last time you thought with your heart instead of your gun?”

I couldn’t make it out. Something about “doing your killing for you.”


Looked like it to me. So anybody got any guesses as to who R.G. is?

Harold Perrineau (Michael) was in the credits again but still no sign of him…he’s gotta be Ben’s guy on the boat…maybe next week is when we get to see him again.

Yes, that’s what my poorly phrased post was asking for. Anyone have the exact line?


Wow. Answers galore! I think it’s time we can make a concrete theory on some of the things that are going on.

The island is in some type of time bubble. The missle arrived 30 minutes after it was launched, but communication is light speed. Except at very specific coordinates, any vessel that hits the barrier crashes (Flight 815, Desmond’s boat, Gale’s balloon, Rosseau’s boat, the Nigerian plane, and possibly the Black Rock). Vessels that try to leave never get away (Desmond’s boat and possibly the raft). Things can be fired at or dropped on the island if you know the coordinates, and will arrive in one piece (the missle with the watch and Dharma’s supply drop). There is also a remarkably high survival rate for those crashes.

Ben is a major player in a powerful, secret organization. In one of the flashback’s, when they recruited Juliette, they seemed to work very efficiently in the outside world. They got detailed info on the Flight 815 passengers very easily. I think Ben was able to start this organization with the Others with Dharma’s facilities and the Island’s powers.

And for a wilder theory…

I think the freighter is Dharma, and Penelope’s father is part of Dharma’s organization. Ben hid the Island from them, and they’ve been looking for it, and of course want revenge on Ben. In Sayiid’s flash forward, he’s killing all the leaders of Dharma, so the Island will be safe.

There are two definites of the Oceanic 6, Jack and Hurley, and two possibilities, Sayiid and Kate. The Losties and the Others must have teamed up in the end to defeat the freighter, and as a deal, six of them would be publicy returned to the real world, while the other Losties choose to stay on the Island, or return with new identities.

Did anyone catch the initials on Naomi’s bracelet? Was it R.G.? And was the girl that Sayiid shot in the flash forward wearing a similar bracelet? Isn’t Ben’s Other friend, the one who helped Locke with Sawyer’s file, named Richard?

Anyone else notice that there haven’t been any new instances of the Numbers since the hatch station exploded?

Gizmo is the best Sawyerism ever.

Yeah, I saw “RG” as the initials.

Ben’s Other friend is named Richard Alpert, tho.

I couldn’t find any other characters on the Lostpedia with the initials RG. There’s Rose Nadler, Richard Malkin (the psychic), Rachel Carlson (Juliet’s sister), Claire’s friend “Rachel” and “Ruth, Desmond’s ex-fiancee”.

There were people in DHARMA with the surname “Goodspeed” but according to Lostpedia, they died in “the purge” (when Richard and Ben killed everyone with gas).

And I still think Ben is the one in the coffin.

I’m pretty much always wrong about these things, though.


I still tend to think that’s the furthest into the “future” we’ve seen.

Ben: “I have another name for you.”
Sayid: “But they know I’m after them now…”
Ben: “Good.”