Lost 4.12: "There's No Place Like Home"

I don’t like “what is happening next” spoilers myself. It basically reaffirms a theory that is almost accepted as fact on the show. Still, an OMG moment.

It raises questions rather than answering them, so I wouldn’t call it a spoiler.


There were a couple other clues as well. First, Jin’s cellphone was a larger, older model. (I noticed this myself, but didn’t realize the significance until I was thinking about the episode the next day.) Second, the store keeper said it was the year of the dragon. Someone on Lostpedia figured out that the last year of the dragon was in 2000, and the next one won’t be until 2012. “Present” on Lost is right around the end of 2004.

It was shown during the Lost panel at ComiCon last year and has been pretty openly distributed since. (I think it was even on the Season 3 DVD set.) The producers have clearly said that it is considered canon (unlike the “Find 815” and “Lost: Via Domus” games).

I figured he was just irritated since it was a profoundly stupid question.

Also, (spoilered because it relates to the video)

If we ended up with 2 rabbits from the Orchid station, will we end up with 2 islands?

I think we’re more likely to wind up with two Bens.

Brings new meaning to the term: double-cross

Just catching up on my Tivo queue…awesome episode.

A new entry in the Sawyer nickname list: Genghis. And New Otherton made me laugh out loud.

I was totally baffled when they loaded up the zodiac: okay, 4 redshirts (and that is precisely the phrase I used) – this boat’s going nowhere. And Jin…dammit. And Sun??? WTF???

Ok, I like RikWriter’s idea better.

On that line

Two Locke’s?

And recapitulates the early Lost leitmotif:

bad twin

So who will be left on the island next season that we’ll know and care about? Sawyer - assuming he’s alive. Desmond, if he gets dumped back on the hellhole. Claire - if she’s alive. Ben, Juliet, Richard & the other others - assuming we care about them. Rose & Bernard - hopefully. Miles & Daniel - yeah, hope they’ll be there waiting. Charlotte? - I could care less. Locke? - I don’t like him and he probably doesn’t want to be rescued.

Am I forgetting anyone? How are they gonna make two more seasons worth of show out of this? I’m sure they’ll come up with something good. I, however, being of small brain, can’t imagine.

Of all the people both on the freighter and the Zodiac aren’t Sun and Aaron the only ones who are in the rescued 6? Doesn’t bode well for the others. It could seem to Sun that all those on the ship were blown up (including Jin) so she goes back to civilization thinking he’s dead. But what if after our 6 leave the island those who were supposedly blown up somehow survive, Desmond, Michael, Jin, Sayid. Oops, forgot about Sayid. Well, there goes that theory.

no, running piglet - Sayid has been caught in the jungle by the Others while on his mission with Kate to find Sawyer, Hurley, and Jack. He’s not currently on the Freighter of Doom.

Note - I finally got why Hurley couldn’t admit that he knew AnaLucia - it would have contradicted the concocted story.

MY WAG is that at some point during the finale, Michael and Jin will be trying to disarm the bomb while everyone else abandons the freighter one raftload at a time, with the first group being Sun, Aaron and Desmond and a couple others. Simultaneously, Ben and/or Locke and Sawyer will have a showdown with Keamy and when they kill him, the freighter will blow up due to the deadman switch on his arm.

Well, the plan is:

Season 4 is the story of how they got off the island. Season 5 is what happens when they get off the island and how they try to get back. And Season 6 is what happens when they do get back. So I wouldn’t think that the focus is going to shift off of them.

Rik - Great theory. Just how do the Oceanic 6 get away tho? My theory there is that Penney’s sending a boat. She contacted Oceanic. or something.

I keep being struck by the ‘coincidence’ of there being an Oceanic SIX and that Desmond repeatedly says the inflatable boat (is that a Zodiac?) will hold SIX.

So, my guess at to how it works out:

There’s all that ruckus at Orchid. With the help of Richard’s group, the mercenaries are defeated. Ben survives (obviously) and either he or Locke start the ‘moving the island’ process which a) takes a while to actually happen but b) cannot be stopped. Jack/Hurley/Kate/Sayeed don’t want to stay on the island, so they rush back to the helicopter and get ferried to the boat. (Jack will feel guilty over not going to the beach to let others be saved instead of him, but there isn’t time.)

Probably the helicopter unloads just in time for the boat to blow up when the injured mercenary finishes dying a lingering death back at Orchid. Some of the people on the deck of the ship have enough notice to jump into the water. Desmond had just recently left the boat after dropping off his latest sixpack of Losties, and is in transit to the island.

He witnesses the boat’s destruction and heads back in hopes of picking up survivors, and collects the Oceanic Six. Probably there are more in the water than the boat will hold, and some sort of fight over who will get aboard ensues. Jin gets killed at this point, fighting to be sure Sun is saved. Desmond must get killed/pulled out of the lifeboat during this.

Then WHAMMO big special effect and the island vanishes.
The rest is left as an excercize for the reader. :cool:

Something I thought of. The Losties saw the doctor wash up on the beach and Daniel contacts the freighter (via morse code) and asks about it. We see one of the mercenaries on the freighter receive the message while the doctor is still alive; they even talk to the doctor about it. Then the doctor is killed and tossed overboard, presumably to eventually wash up on the Island (before he is killed).

Now, we are assuming that the device on Keamy will detonate the C4 on the freighter if he is killed. But, if the detonation signal is via radio, does that mean the C4 will detonate before he is killed? Or will it be long after he is killed. It certainly won’t be at the same time?

Or, is it a Schroedinger’s cat type thing? It may or may not explode depending on if he ever leaves the Island or not?

I’M SO CONFUSED :confused:

Just take a hit and pass the bong.

Huh. I never thought of that. If it is indeed via radio, then I suppose the freighter would explode before the signal is even sent. I think…

I don’t know. Either way, I bet Immortal Michael will survive the explosion Monster Squad style.

Wolfman’s got nards.