Lost 5.4 "The Little Prince"

I think he was trying to make her realize that something like that could happen, and, therefore, the only truly safe place for her and Aaron is the island.

Rousseau hadn’t yet met Jin at that point. That was 16 years **before **the Oceanic crash.

I think the question was “If Rousseau met Jin in 1988, why didn’t she recognize him when they re-met in 2004?”

My theory is just that it’s been 16 years and Rousseau is nuts and probably doesn’t suspect that these 2 men that look exactly the same 16 years apart are the same guys.

Plus, Jin and Rousseau haven’t interacted all that much in 2004.

According to Lostpedia, "The name on the side of Ben’s van, “Canton Rainier” is an anagram of “reincarnation.”

I just realized that this the second time Jin was on a boat that blew up (because of Ben) and then floated unconscious back to the island, only to be found be someone other than his friends.

That guy either has the best luck or the worst luck ever.

Did anybody else spontaneously start singing [Hawaii 5-0 theme] bompum bom bom baaaahm baaaahm, bompum bom bom buuum [/Hawaii 5-0 theme]?

I think he likes to fuck with people, just to stay in practice. Why be straightforward, when you can lie, deceive, mislead, and then enjoy the looks on their faces when they realize you just did it to them again?

I’m guessing Ben is going to use the blood test/taking Aaron scheme to pressure Kate into going back to the Island. She seems to be the one most happy and settled in the world and will be the hardest to convince to go back, and this is Ben’s way of doing that. I’m sure it’s no coincidence that Ben’s lawyer was the one with Claire’s moms check, all it would take is a tip to her and Kate is screwed.

I’m posting this without reading the rest of the thread–I’m watching it on my computer and typing stuff out as I go, pausing the video in between while I type.
[li]Sun…? Is up to NO GOOD. I also think she’s behind Kate’s Aaron-napping troubles. Frankly, I think she’s a few nigiri short of a sushi platter (yeah, she’s Korean, not Japanese. Who cares?) following Jin’s death. [/li]
[li]The guy who attacked Sayid in the hospital…he’s not the same guy (Abbadon–dumb name. Let’s name the next bad guy Mephistopheles and go for REAL subtlety) who told Locke to go on walkabout, right?[/li]
[li]Has it occurred to everyone else that this show would be about 90% shorter if Jack wasn’t such a damned ninny was capable of figuring out A)what the important questions to ask are and B)if he was smart enough to give the correct information out? He just got off the phone with Kate and…oops…in all his hissy-fit-style “OMG!!! ARE U @ HOME!? I NEED 2 C U!” hysteria, kinda left out the important sentence “Sayid was just attacked and the attacker had your address on him.” I will bet that–had he said this–Kate would be prepared for whatever happens next.[/li]
[li]Why doesn’t anyone just beat the crap out of all these gnomic characters? “John…do you know when we are?”/"< significant glance > We’d better keep moving.". The correct response to this is to slam him up against a tree, put a gun in his eye and say “It would have been quicker to just answer the question. Now what’s the answer?” Ditto with Ben, Jacob, Richard, Whidmore and the Lady Time Cop. You’d think Sawyer would have done that just then.[/li]
[li]What was the creepy Aussie psychic guy’s instruction to Claire (about Aaron, the Demon-Child)? Was it that Claire had to raise the kid alone? That the kid had to be raised by a blood relative? Or what? I think it’s critical and I can’t remember.[/li]
[li]Well, nothing actually happened to Kate as a result of Jack’s ninny-ness. [/li]
[li]Woot! Go Sawyer! Ask Locke the tough questions.[/li]
[li]And woot! THIS is the Locke I loved in the first season–not the creepy guy who’s been corrupted by Ben, the weird but mostly trustworthy one.[/li]
[li]Does the obnoxious “I see dead people” Asian guy ever stop whining? [/li]
[li]“Thank you lord!!..I TAKE THAT BACK!!”…I love Sawyer. :smiley: [/li]
[li]Why did the boat jump with them? Shouldn’t it have stayed in it’s own period?[/li]
[li]“Kate, I can fix this”–Jack, you ninny. Why didn’t you just TELL HER THAT HE’S YOUR NEPHEW?[/li]
[li]OOoohh. Twisty. I was expecting that Sun was behind the Aaron-heist. Possibly being backed/pushed by Whidmore. I did NOT expect Ben to be behind it. Good job writers.[/li]
[li]Any time anyone on this show says “That doesn’t matter right now”, I vote that the character get tazered. In the groin.[/li]
[li]Woo! Jin is alive and with the crazy French chick’s earlier self. I wonder what Jin’ll make of Evil Ninja Sun?[/li][/ol]

I’m really enjoying this season.

My major areas of confusion/interest/concern:

  • Sayid and why he was working for Ben & why he stopped.
  • Bernard, Rose, Vincent. where are they?
  • why do Ben & the jewelry store lady think they are running out of time now? The Oceanic 6 have been back for 3 years now.
  • Why would Sun go to the island without her child?
  • Where are Richard and the Others? Why do they need a new leader? Aren’t they doing ok on their own?
  • what are Jacob, Claire & Jack’s father up to?
  • why did Widmore originally leave the island?
  • I thought Ben told Locke he couldn’t go back to the island? or was he just screwing with him?
  • Why did the time sickness kill Rousseau’s companions but not her? and I thought pregnant women died on the island?

I, too, am enjoying this season. I feel I have no idea where the writers are going from week to week. But I get the feeling that they do. and I like that.

She probably thought it was him but was too embarrased to admit it. Making the mistake of confusing a Korean you met in 1988 with the a Korean of the exact same age you make 16 years later really sets a person up for the “we don’t all look alike” criticism! :smiley:

Redshirts NEVER survive mysteriously!

A few comments:

  • When Locke asked if anyone spoke French, did he actually see French writing or did he figure out it was Danielle’s boat?

  • The Ben/Lawyer/Claire’s Mom bit was the quickest we’ve ever been given the whole truth.

Claire’s Mom: Who’s Aaron? (creepy music)
(next scene)
Ben: He’s my lawyer. (creepy music)
(next scene)
Ben: Yeah, it was me. (Sheepish grin)

This is a lesson to those who don’t like new and long lasting mysteries. Too much instant gratification could get boring.

  • Seeing the behavior of the Frenchies last night made me think we the Dope Lost geeks were on to something when we debated about what kind of Scientific Expedition carries rifles. Especially when they are on a life raft? If you are jumping in an inflatable raft as your boat sinks, are you grabbing a rifle or bottled water? Those guys were very aggressive with the guns. Why would you point a rifle so angrily at someone you pulled out of the Ocean unless you were told to prepare for hostility? I think the Frenchies might be players in the game to try to find and exploit the island. A third faction or part of Widmore’s group?

I guess technically, it could be a fourth faction as we do not know yet if Dharma is a third faction or not?

I thought the problem was with pregnant women who conceived on the island. Didn’t Juliette say something a couple seasons back about how the problems start shortly after conception, and women rarely make it past the first trimester?

Claire was pregnant when she arrived on the island and she survived it OK.

So Miles may have spent time on the island and didn’t know it – was there speculation that he is Dr. Marvin Candle’s son, seen being born in a prior episode? That seems to fit now – he could have spent his first couple of years on the island before leaving, and not remembered a thing about it if he wasn’t told.

Am I missing something? Why would CFL recognize Jin. She hasn’t met him yet.

What if he IS Marvin Candle, stranded back in time? :eek:

It’s not that she’d recognize him when they meet in this episode, it’s that this episode establishes that she met him when she first arrived on the island with her team. So she should remember him when they meet in 2004.

Having said that, he’s probably going to flash out of there pretty quickly, so I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch for her to not remember him in 16 years.

In Lost-time-traveling-world, you cannot change the past so we have to assume that Jin and CFL ALWAYS met each other in 1988. So when they meet again in 2004, CFL should recognize Jin (but Jin shouldn’t recognize her). The question is, why doesn’t she recognize him in 2004 after meeting him in 1988.

This was answered up-thread. The question posed was why didn’t the CFL recognize Jin in 2004? – since as we now know she met him 16 or so years earlier.

Okay, I guess I wasn’t thinking about it from that angle. My theory would be that Jin is pretty swollen and sunburnt and he probably doesn’t hang around that long.

How much time did Rousseau and Jin spend together in 2004? They were probably in the general vicinity of each other, but I don’t remember any scenes the two were in together. The only significant time Rousseau spent with the Losties was on the treck to the radio tower and Jin was back at the beach then. They were probably near each other as plans for that treck were made, but not any real meeting or time together. Am I forgetting something?