Lost 5.4 "The Little Prince"

This is a great theory. What if Marvin Candle raised himself!

That’s how I come out, too. She’s been through a lot, didn’t spend much time with him when she was first shipwrecked, was pregnant and disoriented due to the shipwreck, *and * probably has not had a good look at him in the present.

Was it in the show or was it in a recent Lost Experience “extra” that we hear a baby crying while Dr. Marvin Candle is trying to record a video? Perhaps that’s baby Miles.

And let us not forget that she is the Crazy French Lady.

I think it’s implied that the O6 are at that dock because Ben has arranged to have a boat come there, to ferry them back to the island. And it seems the idea is that they will all remain on the island ‘forever.’ Yes?

I hope he has had the sense to do some major shopping ahead of time. Like, tons of canned food. And seeds so they can grow more.

Because why the heck should they rely on Dharma doing future food dropts? Actually, I’ve never understood why Dharma had kept doing them at all.

He should also have laid in lots of clothing in various sizes. With the submarine gone… what are they going to do once the clothes on their backs wear out?

Also, it strikes me that they can’t be sure that Suburbia will be waiting for them in ‘move in’ shape. So…tents. Sleeping bags. Maybe some of those prefab cabins/toolsheds you can buy from Sears. Or maybe just another zillion blue tarps.

And…power source? Has that been compromised? How about a bunch of solar electricity panels.

How about stocks of various common drugs and antibiotics and pain killers?

Etc. etc. etc.

Oh, lots and lots of books!

I think that was the first episode of this season (as I remember it and I haven’t seen any extras).

And by the way -

It’s 3 years later for the O6.

However, on the island it’s still only a short time after the initial O6 escape. Even though they’re time-jumping, for the losties time seems to be progressing for them linearly on a personal level. All they’ve been doing is roaming around and getting nose bleeds.

So, by comparison, while the O6 are standing there on the dock, it’s also been 3 linear years for the losties, which we haven’t seen any of.

Does the time-shifting explain the voices that Rousseau and the others heard in the woods? Is it possible they were hearing people shifting in and out of time?

Yeah it was. I suggested Miles might be that baby in a thread a few shows back and it looks more like things are pointing that way going forward…

I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying here. The losties left on the island are time-jumping, so it’s possible they might jump ahead to meet the O6 when they return. It’s true though that we’re being shown events that are out of sync in terms of the amount of time the groups have experienced.

That sounds plausible, actually.

I feel ambivalent about this episode. Ninja!Sayid was pretty cool, and so was Prison!Hurley and RageAtTheHeavens!Sawyer. But everyone else… gah! Teh stoopid!

Kate being too dumb to realize that you cannot sue/subpoena someone anonymously. Kate being too dumb to realize the only person with any legal standing to gain custody of Aaron on biological grounds is Claire’s mom, and that she had no reason to try to hide her identity, and therefore the whole subpoena ploy is a bluff.

Both Jack and Daniel being too secretive to just tell people what’s going on while they’re driving/walking/rowing/locomoting.

Jack for still trying to “fix” things. Give it up dude! You can’t even fix yourself! And I say this as someone who loves Jack’s character, but this whole schtick is getting tired. Isn’t it about time our lovable jerk started learning from his mistakes?

Right. If the guy has a court order, as he says, Kate’s initial response should have been: “Let me see that. This doesn’t look like a real court order. Tell you what, my lawyer will call you. kthxbye. [Door slam.]”

Except for Locke, who’s in the coffin.

You mean Kate, who has been living a very tenuous lie for three years? Kate who knows that, anonymous or not, the blood test will certainly show she is not Aaron’s mother? Kate who grew up poor white trash and likely didn’t even finish High School? That Kate?

Jack isn’t telling Kate what’s going on because he knows she will freak out and refuse to go to the boat.

Daniel seems to have his reasons for being vague. He very clearly knows more than the audience about Miles and possibly Charlotte. We’ve seen that, at some point, he infiltrated Dharma in the 1970s. What he learned or saw while doing that may be very troubling. Daniel also has direct experience with people getting seriously messed up by this phenomenon. For all we know, explaining it to them might make it worse.

He latches on to the chance to fix Kate’s problem as an opportunity to get back in her good graces, and thus have a better chance of getting her to go back to the Island with him. It wouldn’t make sense for him to act in any other way, really, particularly with the added twist of his peculiar relationship with Claire’s mother.

I suppose that could be where this is all heading.

[li]The O6 will return to the island some time in 2009 or 2010 Earth time.[/li][li]Through some yet to be established mechanism the losties will jump to 2009/2010, even though it’s only been a day or two ‘real time’ for them.[/li][li]Ben or Locke will quickly re-lock the donkey wheel and PRESTO! everyone is together again.[/li][/ul]

But that won’t happen exactly that way - We know that Locke gets off the island and dies ‘3 years later’ time. Unless we trade corpse-Locke for lostie-Locke somehow.

So somewhere along the line the losties experience the passage of some portion of the 3 years ‘real time’ even though their surroundings are jumping around.

But she’s had some recent experience with the legal system. :smiley:

“Who are they? Other Others?”
…Good question though, who were they? Aside from lousy shots that is.

How awesome were Charlotte’s eyes?

How come Faraday doesn’t tell Charlotte or Miles about the whole constant thing? Is it because they just have no way to establish one, or do they? It seemed as though he didn’t even know about the concept, but Desmond visited him before he went to the island and time traveled right?

So, Desmond visited Faraday before their now, which even though they are now in the then, he should still know now what he learned then, and yet…

…'scuze me, my nose is starting to bleed. At one point I thought I did, but I guess I still don’t really get the whole ‘constant’ rule. Are the Island Losties and the O6 each other’s constants?

Oh and with Hurley and the cops, was that Ben pulling strings, lazy police work, or lazy writing? So the cops came to the conclusion that the guy that fell over the hotel railing, and was immediately surrounded by witnesses died before Hurley made a run for it? Did they not also find the guy stuck to the dishwasher too?

I wonder if Rose and Bernard have just said ‘screw it all’ and have taken the dog and gone off on their own. Perhaps they are Adam and Eve? Doubt it, but can still never dismiss it with this show.

We know that moving the frozen donkey wheel screws with the timeline of the one who moves it. Ben jumped forward a year. I don’t think it’s that hard to imagine a scenario where the losties (with Locke) make it to the Orchid, Locke moves the frozen donkey wheel, is transported to the “real world” at around the same time the O6 are found, lives (and dies) in the real world for those 3 years, but by the time everyone gets back to the island, the remaining losties (Sawyer, Juliet, et. al.) will only have experienced a couple of days of island time due to the time jumping.

In fact, it’s my theory that the O6 need to get back to the island specifically to stop the time jumping, thus saving their friends from terminal nosebleeds.

I think the constant thing only works with the consciousness time travel like what Desmond experienced last season, not with the physical time travel the losties are experiencing.

You’re right. I forgot that Desmond never actually, or completely, went any where/when; well he did, but only…
sniff Ah crap! Here I go again, anyone got a kleenex?