Lost 5.4 "The Little Prince"

Unless Faraday has the same never-aging ability/curse(?) that Richard does (which hasn’t been hinted at to my recollection), I have a feeling that in some upcoming episode, Faraday and the Losties will leap into the Dharma construction era, they’ll find some Workman scrubs and we’ll see that season opening scene acted out again. I seem to remember than someone on this message board pointed out that the unconscious worker resembled Sawyer but that it wasn’t made clear.

…actually, we don’t know that. We’ve been told it over and over, but the only example we’ve actually seen is Farraday changing Desmond’s past. Sure, Farraday claims Desmond is special, but Farraday could be wrong or lying.

Random question: have we seen the feet of every major cast member? Put another way, have they ever established that one of the major cast members is missing a toe?


I keep imagining the thought that must be going through his head.

"On an island. Surrounded by strangers. None of whom have a language in common with me.

SHIT. This is starting to get old!" (yeah, I know - a few minutes later he found out the French crew spoke English but he didn’t know that at first).

  1. plane crash.
  2. When the escape raft broke up.
  3. When he survived the attempt to explodiate the whole freighter.

By the way, in a recent podcast, the producers gave a couple of hints about how Kelvin got in the hatch, and how he (ostensibly) became a member of Dharma after the purge:

[spoiler]Carlton Cuse: We were, in a little, having this conversation in other day and we were saying “If we actually reference Kelvin? If anybody even remember who Kelvin was?” But Chris Skypeck does.

Damon Lindelof: He demands an answer. We were talking about the purge and this just gives you a little bit of a sense of where we’re going in Season 5 - the purge is gonna be something that comes up, and when it happened. And we know when it happened but we were asking Greg Nation, our trusty script superviser and keeper of all things… continuity, you know “What if we tell the audience about when the purge happen”, and he goes “Well, all you’ll really have to go on is that Kelvin recruited Said during the First Gulf War and yet somehow managed to get to the Island and to push the button in the hatch”. So the assumption would be that the Dharma Initiative was still up and running in the early nineties. And we said “That’s the assumption. But is that the truth”, Carlton? Is it possible that the Dharma Initiative recruited somebody after the purge?

Carlton Cuse: It is entirely possible that they recruited somebody after the purge.

Damon Lindelof: Is it likely?

Carlton Cuse: That I don’t wanna say.[/spoiler]

I loved the expressions crossing Sawyer’s face as he saw Kate and Claire when Claire was in labor. The look of love, loss, grief, rage…

Dayum, that was fine acting.

I had no idea none of the producers spoke English as a first language.

Also - even without time jumping, time doesn’t progress in parallel with the outside world. Remember in season 4 when the doctor’s body washed up on shore, but they phoned the ship and got someone who said “doc? he’s right here and very much alive thankyouverymuch!”.

Ah. So the four-toed statue is Sawyer. Remember when he stapped on something last week and hurt his foot? Dum dum DUUUUUMMM!!!

I think I believe Faraday on this one.

If you could change the past, then that changed would have already happened by and in any present. The present, could never change(or be known to change), because even if a change in the past hasn’t ‘happened yet’ it still is already accounted for, by it’s future consequences.

We might not have it figured out yet, but I don’t think there is anything random about when the flashes occur. Faraday could be half right, in that the past can be changed, but the Island dictates just exactly what and how much can be changed. Desmond, meanwhile, could be somehow independent of the Island. Perhaps, he will somehow be able to stop, or even control, the flashes and be able to wrestle the reigns of fate away from the Island.

The future(being anything happening after Ben moved the island) is unknown, but key moments have been established to take it in a desired direction. Right now, that is the Island’s desired direction. In the spirit of the game themethat has been through out the series, I’m assuming someone/thing has to be sitting across the board from the Island*. Desmond seems to be that someone/thing’s Ace up the sleeve.

*Excluding any sort of 4-toed aliens/Atlantians we haven’t seen yet, I’m taking the Island personified(Jacob?) to be the ultimate player. Widmer v Linus, Linus v Ma Faraday, Locke v Linus, etc… these are strong players and huge battles, but are still dictated by the Island’s rules and directions.

Attention, doper TDS1237 is need of a tissue. Hopefully its not a nosebleed.

Another doper upthread, Mama Zappa, I believe noted the fine acting on the part of the guy who plays Sawyer. I contend that he is really under rated and overlooked as an actor. Maybe because the way he looks without a shirt distracts people. Anyway, his character has become endearing and multidimensional throughout the run of the show, while still keeping his original persona. I think that’s good acting.

You know what’s still not been explained?

The Dharma food drop.

Okay, that and lots of other stuff, but for some reason this one really sticks at me.

Who dropped Dharma food on the Losties, and why?


Damn. You know, I had all but forgot about those. Another mystery, thanks…no really, thanks…:stuck_out_tongue:

The purpose of the food drops was to keep Kelvin and then Desmond alive to push the button. So presumably The Others knew what was going on in that hatch after they took over and kept up the “Dharma Flakes” fiction to make sure that the hatchees were none the wiser that anything had changed on the island.

Did any of you watch “Lost Untangled”? ABC website acts out Lost plotlines with dolls. funny.

I wonder if Walt’s specialness will ever be explained.

I checked it out online. Amusing.

My wife and I are both lawyers and we had to pause the DVR to vent every time he says he has a court order, but will not provide any details. Now, it is POSSIBLE to be a Jane Doe plaintiff, but highly improbable.

I have no problem with psychics, time travel, and smoke monsters, but improbable legal maneuvers? No thank you.

Yeah. Who were those people? But for the presence of guns (it was bullets hitting the water and oars, right?), I would have thought they were some ancient tribe.

Speaking of Kelvin, I forgot we saw him in one of the pictures Sun had. I thought he was dead.

Really? I was thinking that though I like the Sawyer character, and the way he’s played, I felt the actor had very limited range of late. It is weird, because I think he was really flexible early on, but as the show has progressed, I felt he has gotten hammier.

Actually, after looking at a close up, that might not have been Kelvin. Is this Jack?


When Kate was sitting in her car across the street from the lawyer’s office, waiting for them to leave? I swear she was sitting in the middle of the road. That street is 4 lanes wide in real life.

Also, where Jack parked his car? That’s a bus stop.

Jerks. Like traffic there isn’t bad enough.