Lost 5.5 "This Place Is Death"

At Danielle’s camp/abattoir there was a box marked ‘explosives’–not ‘explosifs’. I wonder where that came from. The box and typeface looked too modern to be from the Black Rock.

Great episode! I wish, though, that Eloise had acknowledged Desmond in some way. I’m curious as to whether she recognizes him from his first time-trip or if it hasn’t happened yet in her frame of existence.

And…why can’t Christian be some sort of time-dimensional being…? (whatever that means)

Well, he presumably was just your run-of-the-mill alcoholic, manipulative father and doctor for however long Jack’s been around so I think it’s safe to say he isn’t some mystical, amorphous being. It seems he’s being used by the Island somehow and he was either reincarnated or his corpse reanimated following the crash.

Remember I’m new to LOST, so if any of my personal fanwank theories that follow are actual preexisting fanwank theories that have been discussed/disproven, apologies.

  1. What if the Doomsday button really WAS a Doomsday button? Things got considerably weirder after it blew up. What if they did die? Maybe the characters are in Purgatory or something? I dunno.

  2. Has anyone gone BACK to The Hatch after the Doomsday button didn’t get pushed? We saw the big purple flash…but Desmond missed a button-push (or was late for it) once prior (which brought down flight 811) and then had to push the button after anyway. What’s left in the station? (Which Dharma station was it, anyway? The Swan?)

  3. Why “The Orchid” for time travel or energy generation? Why (I think) “The Swan” for the Doomsday Button? Why “The Flame” for chatting with Dharma? Do the names have any relevance to what’s inside?

  4. Wait—we saw (last week) the army guys who set up the Numbers antenna that were picked up by the Aussie Guy and the loonie-bin guy who contaminated Hurley. What if The Numbers are what messed up the Crazy French Chick’s friends somehow? The Numbers possess you or something? You could hear them broadcasting on the Crazy French Folk’s walkie talkies.

  5. I bet that Charlotte’s death forces Daniel to rethink his “What happened, happened” theory. Which, I note, he has no emperical evidence for (that we know of).

  6. The Dharma guys were there from…what? 1970-1985-ish, right? The Darmassacre happened before the Crazy French Chick came, correct?

I’m starting to get really fuzzy trying to follow which characters were where at what time, so I hope somebody will indulge me a stupid question:

A couple weeks ago, when Desmond was out looking for Farraday - after he’d left the island, I presume - he went to a house where there was a bedridden girl whose sister (?) told Desmond that Farraday had abandoned her. (At least I think that’s what happened.:confused:)

I thought the girl in the bed was Charlotte. But now it seems that Charlotte is dead as dead can be, don’t ya know. If bed girl wasn’t Charlotte, who was it? If it was Charlotte, then WTF??

No offense Fenris, but some variation of the Purgatory theory has been around for five years now. If I hear it again I’m going to start bleeding from the nose. Do you want to be responsible for that?


Anyway, we have been back to the hatch/Swan after the sky went purple and it’s a big hole in the ground now.

No, the bed-ridden girl wasn’t Charlotte. She was another girl, involved in Faraday’s experiments, who became time-sick because of her involvement with them. (funded by Widmore, remember?)

I’m starting to think that’s not even what he really believes. He already talked to Des when he hadn’t in the past and apparently went back in time to talk try to warn Charlotte not to return to the island. He probably has his own agenda.

…possibly. Does it mean that I’ll get to time travel?


(Can you either point me to a link to or summarize the “Purgatory Theory”? It was just a passing idea for me–I’d love to see it thought out)

Also–what’s with Zombie Christian? I know his corpse was on 815. I don’t recall–did Jack ever find daddy’s body?

:dubious: Wait. A character…on LOST, who has hidden, mysterious motives?

That’s utterly absurd.


Christian Shephard | Lostpedia | Fandom (no)

I don’t know if this was covered already, but was it explained how Jin knew Charlotte spoke Korean?

anyone thinking the guy who shows up in the dharma training films Marvin Candle, I think, lost his arm like the French dude??

Something Nice Back Home | Lostpedia | Fandom (he could tell she understood a conversation he had with Sun).

I don’t think he did. He was asking Miles to translate.

ETA, or not. Shows how much I know!

I’d like to see more of Miles. Faraday has been tons of fun so far this season, but I love so many of Miles’ lines.

Miles: I’m from Encino! :smiley:

Also, the words on the van that Ben and the rest were in is an anagram for “Reincarnation.”

This is the first Lost thread I’ve actually been on time for, so I’m not sure if it’s been thrown out as a theory yet, but does anybody else get the feeling that Miles is going to turn out to be Dr. Candle’s son? We’ve seen Candle with a baby in the season opener, and Miles has been to the island before (near the same time as Charlotte, judging from how close together their nosebleeds started). Not to pull the “All asians are related!” card or anything, but there aren’t a lot of them running around on the show.

Someone suggested that (i.e., Miles is Marvin Candle’s son) sometime within the past few weeks.