LOST 6.12 "Everybody Loves Hugo"

Someone remind me. How do John Locke and Ben Linus know each other in the alt timeline?

Locke is a substitute teacher at the school where Ben teaches.

In the alt timeline, when Locke gets fired from the box company, he gets a job as a substitute teacher at the school where Ben teaches. They have a conversation in the teacher’s lounge at some point during Ben’s episode.

I was the opposite. I didn’t see the well push until the last couple of lines before he did it. But I saw the hit-and-run coming after the first few times Desmond was eying Locke in the wheelchair.

The same here. I thought they were going to climb down the well together. I wasn’t expecting the push until the “why aren’t you scared” line. But considering what Charlie did to him, I knew he was gonna hit Locke.

I’ve already said what I think about Jacob vs. Locke/smoke monster.

Now, I’ll say that Desmond is the key for the final outcome between the two. How that will play out, I have no clue. But I have a strong feeling Hurley will tell the story and Sawyer will make sure its understood.

Maybe I’m being optimistic, but I’m guessing Locke gets Jack’s miracle spinal surgery out of this, and Desmond did it for altruistic reasons. Can’t see Des being malicious, that would be too obvious for the Lost writers.

Great episode, my only complaint was that Bruce Davison had that beach picture on his office wall instead of a picture of Mt. Hood.

I think Desmond wasn’t scared because he knew what was going to happen.

As for the little dark-haired boy, I think that was supposed to be Lil’ Smokey, not Jacob.

And after next week, there’s a two-week wait before the next episode. Two weeks from tonight is going to be a re-run of “Ab Aeterno.” I thought they were going to show the whole season with no reruns.

It was nice to see Libby again. And nice to get an answer to the whispers, even if it was somewhat expositional.

Does anyone know what was in Hurley’s bag? There seems to be a debate over whether it was Jacob’s ashes or the diamonds. Neither seems probable - Miles would have held onto the diamonds, and either he or Ilana would have held onto the ashes. And they made a clinky sound not like ashes, more like scrabble tiles. Plus, there seemed to be an aura of mystery about it, especially since Hurley had to dig them out of a random tent stash. I think it’s something new.

That’s what I was thinking - he definitely seems darker haired. But casting seems to imply it’s the same actor as previously.

What what!?

Does that mean there’s going to be an episode on the 18th, 5 days before the finale? I figured there wouldn’t be one that night.

Has anybody ever said anything to explain why everybody’s hair never grows? It’s really bugging me that Sawyer’s hair is always that same scruffy growing-out length and Jack’s is always precisely cut. Id there a “no physical change” rule on this island?

There is a chart of airdates on lostpedia, and there seems to be a two week window. They say the next episode is April 20, then May 4, May 11, May 18, and May 23 a Sunday for the last two.

So…it might be magic, it might be science. Doesn’t quite fit in with the “all scientifically explainable” that people have been whipping out for the last five years.



I don’t think he tried to kill Desmond. I think he’s up to something. Maybe he’s trying to get Desmond to push the donkey wheel or something. Of all people, Locke knows it’s not all that far down the well. He survived a fall down the well himself. And he threw the lit torch in first, so Desmond would have light.

Yes. I know all sorts of people are looking for reasons to bitch, but clearly Locke wanted Desmond somewhere relatively convenient, but somewhere that Desmond can’t talk to anyone, and somewhere he won’t need to be guarded.


Also, this finally clicked for me this week. I think zombie-Sayid is faking it. Can’t prove it, don’t know why, but the actor is good and there were a few moments there where I got a whole “faking it” vibe. How incredibly badass would it be for Sayid to totally scam everyone? :smiley:

Works for me. I like him enough that I don’t want to see him end up as a soulless automaton.

I, for one, was caught off guard when Locke got run down by Desmond. I thought he was going to have a talk with him, maybe try to get him moving toward understanding what was going on.

I’m suspecting that Island Desmond is so calm and relaxed because he doesn’t actually need to do anything - because of his interactions with ATL Desmond, ATL Desmond is the one who needs to get everyone to connect with the ATL.

Island Desmond just needs to stay alive.


That’s a fairly dangerous place to push him though. I’m skeptical that the push was only about containment; if it was, it will probably prove to have been a stupid move.


Maybe ALT-Locke had to be mowed down because he found his Troo-Luv in the ALT timeline. He blew it in the real timeline. Maybe you’re not allowed to find Troo-Luv there if you haven’t here? Or maybe by killing ALT-Locke, it’ll affect Fake-Locke.