Yesterday I had my beautiful little dog put to sleep, she was deaf and very neurotic and compulsive, a little dominant and growly. But still a joyfull bundle of love wraped in fur on four legs.
When I got home I realized what a mistake it was. I thought I was doing the right thing for her but realize now I made the wrong choice I feel like I killed the joy and sunshine and I miss her so much, I am so ashamed and filled with guilt and regret.

I did not listen to my gut at the vets office and feel like I betrayed her and now deserve what ever happens to me. So So Sad and ashamed. I can not stop crying.

Neurotic, compulsive, dominant and growly doesn’t really sound like a happy animal. What was the proximate reason for euthanizing her? How old was she?

I don’t think you should feel guilty. I’m sorry for your loss. It’s always a tough decision.

Did the vet recommend it was time to put Sunshine down? Did she have a good reason for that, that you agreed with initially? You might not have been wrong to have her euthanized, but you’re having a very emotional reaction now that she’s actually gone, which sounds pretty normal to me (I haven’t had to put a pet down yet, but I have no problem believing that it is very hard on their people).

I’m very sorry for the loss of your little friend.

It’s never easy to make that decision and I am sorry that you had to, regardless of what the circumstances were.
Maybe after you have had some time to grieve, you can give a home to a shelter animal that would otherwise be put to sleep just for not being able to find a home. I think that would be a nice way to honor the memory of your friend.

She was 2 1/2 she would launch herself off the sofa and attack my other dog. The vet did not ask a question and was rude. She knew and I did not trust her. I was wrong, She should have lived, I only pray she goes on to gift her joy to someone who appreciates her more than I did. so ashamed for not following my last minute gut.

Honey you can’t second guess yourself like that, you’ll go nuts.

You did the very best you could with what you had to work with at the time the decision was made.

hugs I’m sorry :frowning:

think of the better quality of life your other dog will have.

I am sorry for the loss of your dog. I have been there many times and know what it’s like. I know you have another dog. For the dog’s sake, please find another vet if your current one is rude or seems not to listen. The last time I had to have a dog put to sleep, the vet was compassionate, answered all my concerns, and eased my conscience that what I did was really the kindest thing I could have done for her. I was allowed to hold her and comfort her, and was given ample time after it was over to be alone with her and say my goodbyes. I left sad, but with a clear conscience. A time like this, or any time the vet sees your dog, is not a time for the vet to be rude or brusque. The vet should work with you to help keep your dog in as good a condition as possible and make that final transition for you and your pet as comfortable as possible for both of you.

I’m still not clear about the circumstances. If the OP was this vague with the doctor, I can see how some frustration may have come into play. As a vet tech who has participated in more euthanasias than I care to count, and every single one with a clear conscience, I can’t help the OP sort things out without more information.

Loss of a pet can be soul-crushing, and the immediate aftermath of the loss upon returning home without her can lead to regret, but that doesn’t mean putting her down was wrong.

The fact that you felt guilty is proof that you are a good person. I don’t know whether or not you made the best decision but I do know you did the best you could under the circumstances. So you should give yourself a break.

Couldn’t you have tried to place her with someone with no other pets? Putting a 2.5 year old pet to sleep because it’s not getting along with your other pets seems a little rash.

You shouldn’t feel guilty about putting down the dog “too soon”, because it’s dead now and doesn’t feel or think anything. It’s not judging you or hurting or feeling betrayed, it’s dead. You should only feel guilty about letting an animal suffer or live too long without giving it the kindness of an easy death.

Doesn’t sound all that loving to me … :dubious:

Still, I’m sorry that you’re hurting. If, in the future, you decide to welcome another second dog into your little pack, some shelters will allow you to bring your incumbent :slight_smile: pet with you so you can find out ahead of time if it seems like they’ll get along OK.

I’m so sorry for your loss.
I think that what you’re feeling is normal. I had to have my Basset hound put down a few years ago. She was elderly, not well, and was clearly dying from a thrown clot or heart attack. I knew that there was not going to be a way to save her without making her suffer and probably only prolonging her misery. And STILL…I spent a lot of time feeling guilty, and wondering if I’d made the right decision. It was horrible.
You made the best decision you could in the situation you faced. Give yourself some credit for doing your best and allow yourself to grieve. I hope you feel better soon.