LOTR age question

How old is Legolas and Aragorn in Return of the king?


How old is Thorin in the Hobbit?

Legolas’s exact age is never given by Tolkien, as I recall, although he once refers to the others in the Fellowship as “children.” Studio promotional materials at the time the LOTR movies were released said he was over 2000 years old. Aragorn was 87 at the time of LOTR (as he tells a stunned Eowyn in an outtake from The Two Towers).

Thorin would’ve been 195 at the time of The Hobbit (born 2746 of the Third Age, died 2941).

See also: The Encyclopedia of Arda - Thorin II Oakenshield

It’s never really stated how old Legolas is. His father was a sindarian elf that moved to Mirkwood (then Greenwood the Great) in the 2nd age. It isn’t mentioned that Legolas was with him so you could infer that he was born afterwards.

That makes him over 3000 years old.

Aragorn is easier, born in 2931 of the Third Age making him nearly 90 durring the War of the Ring.

Thorin was born 2746 of the Third Age and the Quest for Erebor took place in 2941 making him around 195 years old.

ETA : Curse you spell check you took too long! :slight_smile:

And that puts the lie to all the “No way Legolas could pull off all those crazy stunts and insane marksmanship!” in the movies. Oh yes he can, given literally thousands of years of constant drill-imagine an elite pro athlete who never ages-after even 200 years he’ll be routinely pulling off the most wild and crazy of moves.

An interesting point, if it does have a faint whiff of fan-wankery about it. :slight_smile:

He could probably get to be a pretty mean pianist and card thrower, as well.

Well, his dad was a piano mover, so…

JRRT’s earliest manuscripts mention an elf named Legolas who dwelt in Gondolin. That was at least 6600 years before the events in FOTR.

No evidence of continuity with our later Legolas, however. And I doubt JRRT meant the LOTR Legolas to be the same one he mentioned in writings he’d done 2 or more decades earlier.

I seem to remember Legolas being about 800. I think I got it from the now defunct Iron Crown Enterprises, the company officially liscensed to create LOTR role-playing products.

The actors who played Legolas and Aragorn were approximately 23 and 41 when it was filmed.

So I know he doesn’t appear, but how old was Aragorn during the time of The Hobbit? Could he have been some little kid running around Rivendell? I have it in my mind that those events are about 80 years or so before Bilbo’s eleventy-first birthday in LOTR.

I believe you’re correct, although he probably would have been out amongst the Rangers at that time.

Bilbo is 50 when he sets out at the beginning of The Hobbit and 51 when he returns. It is sixty years from there to the beginning of Fellowship and another seventeen before Frodo sets out for Rivendell. So Aragorn was about 10.

Yeah, Legolas was a pup… The films never really made clear how freaking old the elves were (I guess they showed that Elrond was there as part of the Last Alliance when Sauron fell at the end of the second age.)

Arwen Undómiel (Evenstar)
Born: 241 of Third Age
Age at start of The Lord of the Rings: 2777

Born: 132 of First Age
Age at start of The Lord of the Rings: 6517

Born: Before the First Age
Age at start of The Lord of the Rings: unknown, but more than 7000


That’s an interesting point, and one I’d never considered. It could explain Aragorn’s deep love of Hobbits, and the reference to him and Bilbo being old friends.

I doubt it was ever intentional, but it’s a nice thought that they were friends from Aragorn’s childhood. I believe Bilbo returned to Rivendell many times in the time between the books.

Maybe so, but Gandalf still can’t dps worth a damn. :smiley:

He was raised at Rivendell after his father Arathorn was killed by orcs. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a young Aragorn cameo in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey movie, coming out next month.

What does “dps” mean? I assume it’s some sort of D&D thing, or a video game thing, but as everyone knows I do not know how to use Wikipedia or Google.


And…I still don’t understand how that can be a verb.