You must rely on your memory - you can’t consult any book or ask someone else. Number your question(s) (no more than five at a time, please), in sequence after those that came before. You can’t post questions of your own unless you’ve correctly answered an earlier question.
I’ll start the ball rolling:
How was Cirdan the Shipwright unique among Elves?
What was Aragorn’s sword called before its reforging?
What was it called after it was reforged?
The wine over-enjoyed by the Elves in “The Hobbit” was from where?
Whose giant statues did the Fellowship pass between on the river?
My guesses:
6. Isengard, Nan Curinir, the Wizard’s Vale
7. Gandalf, Mithrandir, Olorin, Tharkun, Stormcrow, the Grey Pilgrim… I’m sure there are others.
8. Dunno. That’s a good one.
I couldn’t remember the names of the Valar, so I had to look up one of them. That one was easy. Even after looking them up, I don’t know the name of the second one.
Sauraman was sponsored by Aule
Gandalf by Manwe himself
Radagast by Yavanna
I don’t remember who sponsored the Blue wizards.
Outside of Cirdan, who was the oldest elf known to have appeared in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Galadriel was the oldest elf in the Lord of the Rings after Cirdan
In a war against what country/region did Denethor and Aragorn meet?
In was in Umbar fighting Black numenoreans while Ecthalion was still the Ruling Steward.
Who were the leaders of the company of 500 archers from the Blackroot Vale went to the aid of Minas Tirith during the War of the Ring?
Galadriel was the youngest daughter of Finarfin & Eärwen
Finarfin was the youngest son of Finwë & Indis
Finwë of course was one of the originals elves.
There are differing accounts of Celeborn’s origins. In an early version, Celeborn was already the Lord of Lothlorien when Galadriel came there near the end of the First Age. In another story, Celeborn lived in the Undying Lands in Alqualonde, where he joined Galadriel to oppose the Kinslaying and then sailed with her to Middle-earth. But these stories do not fit in well with the rest of the history of Galadriel and Celeborn.
The most commonly accepted story is that Celeborn was a Prince of Doriath and a kinsman of Thingol, the King of Doriath. Celeborn was said to be the grandson of Thingol’s brother Elmo. Celeborn’s father was Galadhon and he had a brother named Galathil. Celeborn was tall and he had silver hair.
So we don’t know which is older and we actually do not know the age of Thranduil or Glorfindel for that matter. Even Gildor is an ancient elf of unknown age. At least with Glorfindel we know he was an elf of the light and dwelled in Valinor when the Two Trees still shown.
As Galadriel was the ruling Queen, I having always assumed that she was older than her chosen companion. But I cannot prove it.