[origionally posted at Una’s and also at No Clue Boy’s ]
The film prof. At my University is heading the largest audience research project ever undertaken.
What is audience research? It’s actually going and finding out how audience’s react to films, rather than sitting and an analysing an imaginary audience, or guessing their reactions using Feminist theory or Freudian theory.
It’s actual research, rather than the conjecture and rhetoric of the Mary Whithouses of this world.
Anyway the project has received 20 000 responses from members of audiences of TLORT, but they are hoping to receive at least 100 000. Which is where you come in.
I’m posting to ask any of you who have seen the LOTR films to take part in a short survey at http://www.lordoftheringsresearch.net/ and contribute to the project,.
All the details are on the site and much better explained than I can.