Title kinda says it all.
I just wonder why Sauron didn’t take a ring or two away from some Ringwraiths and send those rings back out into the world to corrupt others?
Title kinda says it all.
I just wonder why Sauron didn’t take a ring or two away from some Ringwraiths and send those rings back out into the world to corrupt others?
I don’t have any cites, but I believe that the rings were how Sauron controlled the Ringwraiths. Without the rings, they would be powerful and corrupt, but they would not be under Sauron’s direct control. Whether the wraiths kept the rings or whether Sauron had them in his possession is an open question.
There was a thread on this earlier this year.
I swear I did a search on this. The new board even pops-up threads it thinks may be similar. Totally missed this.
Thanks for pointing it out.
If the mods want to close this thread (or point it to the thread linked above by @hogarth ) I’m totally fine with that.
For all things ring-related, check the wondrous FAQ of the Rings early in your research.
Thanks! So, according to that, Sauron had all nine rings in his possession and three of the Dwarven rings (the rest were destroyed).
Tolkien said, “Three have passed away” which I take to be the Elven rings…whatever that means. I was going to ask about the Elven rings since they were not quite linked to Sauron but I guess we get whatever that is.
Yeah, Gandalf, Galadriel, and Elrond took their rings with them when they sailed to Avallonë
Do we know if the Elven rings were diminished/de-powered by the One Ring’s demise?
From FAQ of the Rings:
" when the One was destroyed, the Three lost all their powers .
How do we know this? The Three Rings (like the Seven and the Nine) were originally independent, but when Sauron created the One, the others became subject to it. Somehow the nature of all the other Rings was changed so that not only were they under the control of the One but their continued power depended on its continued existence: “Now the Elves made many rings; but secretly Sauron made One Ring to rule all the others, and their power was bound up with it, to be subject wholly to it and to last only so long as it too should last . [emphasis added]” [Silm: Rings (287)] On the next page Tolkien underlines the fact that this included the Three: “the Three remained unsullied, for they were forged by Celebrimbor alone, and the hand of Sauron had never touched them; yet they also were subject to the One” [Silm: Rings (288)]. It’s clear that the Three Rings lost all their power when the One was destroyed."
How did Gandalf wind up with one of the Elven rings?
Cirdan gave it to him when Gandalf arrived in ME. Cirdan was quite wise, and saw that Gandalf would need it more than he did. This pissed Saruman off but oh well.
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