I’m moving to Louisville in August (Kentucky), and I’m looking for some of the interesting things to do in the city. Anyone have any suggestions? I’m open for almost anything.
Two words: Derby Pie
Well, at the risk of revealing my relative location:
There’s an amazing amount of things to do here, based on your inclinations:
Actor’s Theatre of Louisville is the big professional theatre here. It has received many awards and is home to a festival of one acts.
Kentucky Opera: Three shows a year
Derby Dinner Playhouse has a full season that is often passable, if not worthy of awards. Plus you get to eat passable food. Though not expensive, it isn’t the best of what is available.
There are 4 universities in the area.
The Speed Art Musem is very nice.
There are two or three casino’s within short driving distance (I don’t partake, but they do quite well).
Churchill Downs has racing during the Spring and Fall.
The Palace, Kentucky Arts Center, and Louisville Gardens host touring companies and throughout the year.
There are several 2nd tier (i.e. semi-professional theatre) companies in town.
The Louisville Orchestra and several professional musical groups perform throughout the year.
There is a lively independent music community in town.
Foreign films are available at the Baxter Theatres.
Several Large Cineplexes (about 8–don’t hold me to that number, at least one has closed).
Just about any dining you can imagine is available from Japanese and Korean to middle eastern and Indian to Italian, French and German.
Along with the Free public library system, there are a number of libraries at the universities.
Just across the river, Indiana University SE hosts touring companies and acts throughout the year along with University productions (university productions also available at the University of Louisvlle).
Louisville Slugger Bat Manufacturing has the Louisville Slugger Museum.
IMAX and Louisville Science Museum.
Frasier Historical Musem of Arms or something like that – really pretty interesting.
Two minor league teams the Bat (Baseball) and Thunder (Football).
Central Park and in fact a fairly unexpectedly nice park system.
Porn, bars, churches, cathedrals, synogogues, Jewish Community Center (which also produces concerts and theatre), small art galleries, etc.
Also has a pretty good Independent film community.
Goodle “Louisville” and “Leo” as well as check out www.louisville.com to see what else there may be.
Wow, thanks you two.
Ddgryphon, that’s quite a list. I’ve seen that theater that shut down I think. I’ve already spent a fair amount of time in Louisville, so I’ve done some exploring.
Did you say, Louisville Orchestra and a Science Museum? Why, you’ve just made my day.
Not FROM Louisville , but a frequent visitor . I have 2 words for you .
The Zoo .
If you like animals , it is a must-see.
Indeed I do. I’ll definately keep that in mind.
It seems like Louisville has almost everything.
If you’re into dogs even a little bit, don’t miss the Louisville Kennel Club Dog Show in mid-March. It’s one of the largest dog shows in the country, and it’s a fun place to go and gawk even if you’re not into dog showing per se.
If you’re a baseball fan, don’t forget to check out Slugger Field, home of the Bats.
And also walk down the street and check out the Louisville Slugger Museum.