Love my fiancé, Wedding Planning can Suck Pit

Listen, here’s the thing with that. She and I have different approaches to disagreement. Some families think it’s okay to raise your voice or curse. My mother never curses at me, and we never raised our voices. My father, who is a total whackjob, did both, but we were rboguth up to think that was because he was a total whackjob and so I can’t help that mentally, I file her behavior under “nutso whackjobbery” and try to ignore it. That doesn’t mean I don’t empathize with her, or the situation I’m putting my fiancé in. You can’t compartmentalize people’s feelings when it comes to their family, and I would never dream of deliberately putting him in the situation since it boils down to me setting parameters with her.

He was pretty much raised by only his mother, and being the laid-back guy he is, in the past, has gotten her used to making a lot of decisions for him. Now, I can’t think of a single time when she was wrong or not acting in his best interests. She’s a take-charge, strong lady, and I admire her capacity to thrive despite some pretty bad shakes. Her daughter and she share basically the same opinions and tastes, and her daughter’s husband rarely, if ever, diverges from that. I think it’s a bit of a wake-up call to her that she’s not going to get to call the shots anymore. I’m deferring a lot on this wedding thing, but I don’t in other areas.

FMIL, you know I love you and respect you, and I understand your wanting to help. But the thing is, my stomach has been in knots for eight weeks now, and it’s because I’m having to appease others rather than enjoying planning my own wedding. And I really do want to enjoy it. I appreciate everything that you’ve done for us in the past, and I appreciate your help with the wedding, but if I’m to get through this without having a nervous breakdown, I need to take complete control of it. I have a good idea of how I want things to be, and for my own sanity I need to go ahead with them without being impeded.

Thanks for listening. You’re the best.

What? No, you said something. I know I heard something.

Stop your whining.

I am NOT a bitch! SHUT UP!

(OK, maybe not that last part. :wink: )