[Note: I did not put “(blank)” in the subject line to censor a profanity - you blanker! This thread was created in response to this thread, which got a bit off-topic.]
OK, we all know the old Christian adage:
Love the sinner, hate the sin.
But where do we draw the line? Can we…
[ul][li]… love the mixed fabric wearer, but hate them wearing mixed fabric?[sup]1[/sup][/li]
[li]… love the sportsman, but hate the sport they play?[sup]2[/sup][/li]
[li]… love the murderer, but hate the murder they committed?[/li]
[li]… love the woman getting the abortion, but hate the abortion procedure she had performed?[/li]
[li]… love the homosexual, but hate the homosexual sex they have?[sup]3[/sup][/li]
[li]… love the black person, but hate their blackness?[sup]4[/sup][/li]
[li]… love the Jew, but hate Judaism?[/li]
[li]… love the Christian, but hate Christianity?[sup]5[/sup][/ul][/li]
Does having a choice in your actions (i.e., getting an abortion) differ from something that is not action-based (i.e., being black)? When you consider something to be integral to your being, does it make a difference if it is something you are born with (i.e., sexual orientation), or if it is something you found after you reached cognizance (i.e., your chosen religion)? Does it matter if it is something that affects other people (i.e., murder) or not (i.e., wearing mixed fabrics)? Does it matter if it is something considered trivial by today’s standards (i.e., again, wearing mixed fabrics)? Does it matter if it is something not specifically proscribed as a sin in the Bible, but people don’t like about you anyway (i.e., playing sports, using this as a comparison example to try to explain “love the sinner, hate the sin”)?
I suppose a big part of the question is, how much of a sin is so much a part of you that you cannot discern the sin from the sinner?
Standard disclaimers: I’m not a Christian. This thread is not intended to be a mockery of or a slam against Christianity or any other religious or philosophical belief system. YMMV. The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. Offer void where prohibited. This thread will self-destruct in five seconds.
[sup]1[/sup]Leviticus Chapter 19, Verse 19: “You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed; nor shall there come upon you a garment of cloth made of two kinds of stuff.”
[sup]2[/sup]Mentioned by Mithrilhawk here.
[sup]3[/sup]The premise being that Christianity currently prescribes that homosexuality in and of itself is not sinful, but acting on homosexual feelings by engaging in homosexual sex is.
[sup]4[/sup]I’m not saying that the Bible considers being of African heritage a sin, I’m just bringing it up as a comparison example; i.e., being black is as inherent to a person as being homosexual is.
[sup]5[/sup]Brought up by me here.