low-flow toilet, you really suck balls

There’s a fellow in my town who collects old toilets and trailers them across the border (despite whatever prohibitions there may be in parts of the USA against old high-volume toilets, there is no regulation prohibiting them being brought into the USA), purchases an antique vechicle when he is down there (less rust problems and greater numbers of old cars), and trailers it back up. The Canadian crappers help pay for his hobby of restoring antique cars. [Dudley Do-Right]Helping Americans with their load --it’s the Canadian Way.[/Dudley Do-Right]

A date that doesn’t crap seems like a pretty good idea, at first. No fuss, no muss, no lingering odour.

That is, as long as they don’t suddenly burst.

On behalf of apartment owners everywhere, may I offer a small bit of defense on our side?

  1. According to City/County regulations, if we replace a complete toilet, it HAS to be a low-flow model. This was some dumb-ass regulation they passed years ago, and has done nothing to help the situation as you’ve described above. We’ve taken to scrounging around for the old replacment parts we need in order to avoid this regulation - if you only replace the TANK, you aren’t replacing the whole toilet, so the regulation is not in effect.

  2. Its really damn hard to find any of the maximum-capacity tanks ANYWHERE anymore. The local supply stores only carry the low flush models. If we can’t buy the full-tank flushers, we can’t install them.

  3. I recently visited Australia. They have GREAT toilets there, with exactly the two-size flushes described in the above posts. The button on the left is for a half-tank flush for simple things, and the right button is for a full-tank flush. I wish we could get those things around here. However, they probably cost an arm and a leg.

My first thought was: That sounds really cool! They should have those everywhere!

My second thought was: Can people outside the bathroom *hear the difference? * :o

I’ve come across them both in Ontaro and Minnesota. The first time I was a little nervous, not knowing what the hell might happen, but there were no surprises. They worked well.

Flush proudly, lass; aye, flush proudly.

The ones I have used sound the same regardless of which flush you use, and there were no water/air EXPLOSIONS. Although I would never be one to say that I “liked” a toilet, these puppies were entirely satisfactory.

The water department gave me three Toto toilets for free, and they’ve been similarly flawless. In a year and a half, I think we’ve had one clog. The (3.5 gallon?) mid-flow toilets they replaced were terrible and would clog if you looked at it funny.

Flush the peeps, :smack: damn why didn’t I think of that, all these years of eating the damned things :frowning: !

CMC fnord!

When I lived in apartments, I dubbed them “WOF-WOF” toilets (“Wipe once, flush. Wipe once, flush…”) Although, I don’t think that they were “low-flow”, so much as “cheap”.

An another note: I once dated a girl who never pooped or farted. (Not that she would admit to, anyway.) But for some reason, she had no problem walking into the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth, squatting and taking a piss while smiling up at me. Drove me nuts.

Anaamika, I don’t know what your problem is. I’m sure your poop don’t stink. (My ex’s wouldn’t have, if she had ever done it.)

In a way we have the opposite problem. Our toilet is so powerful and loud that they can probably hear the flush the next house over. On the other hand, it would probably suck down a bowling ball if I were to happen to poop one. I want one of those two flush thingys too.

I like the way you so non-chalantly mention pooping out a bowling ball. If you were to happen to poop out a bowling ball, I would probably hear you. :smiley:

My brother did not know that when he “smuggled” his toilet into the US. He is definitely not the criminal type. I think I would have been cooler moving a van of cocaine across the border than he was sneaking his crapper. :smiley:

A couple years ago, when we had to replace the terrible, low-flow one in our master bath, we were going to get a pressure-assisted one, because our toilet was just like the one the OP described. When we couldn’t find any, the employee at the store (either Lowe’s or Home Depot, I don’t remember) said the low-capacity toilets were much improved over the older models. We decided to trust him, and it turned out he was right. Our low-flow toilet works great.

Party at Equipoise’s place (for everyone who has to put up with a cheap low-flow toilet)!

I’ve heard (on a show on Discovery Channel, I think) that some low-flow toilets are better than others when it comes to flushing properly. My apartment complex definitely cheaped out on that, so I have to flush mine multiple times.

We have a TOTO low flow at work. It works great, never needs to double flush and has never backed up.