Back in high school in the 70’s, I used to hear that a person who had taken a certain number of LSD trips was considered legally insane. The number was said to be variously 50, 100, 200, etc. Has there ever been a legal standard set for insanity resulting from number of LSD trips? How could this be standardized, considering the wide variation in dosage that can be taken, and the reliability of the honesty or memory of the users studied?
I’m pretty sure this is an urban legend. I’ve heard this from all kinds of druggies (the version in NE Texas is ‘7 times makes you legally insane’) but I don’t think there is such a thing as being declared ‘legally insane’. You can be found not guilty by reason of insanity, but that’s a legal definition in regards to a specific act, where it has to be proven the defendent did not know what they were doing was wrong, and you can have someone committed, which is also an individual legal judgement based on circumstances, but I don’t think there is some kind of widespread list of guidelines that can be used like that.
this has been covered many times here in GQ. Do a search for “LSD”. Hell, do a search for my name half of those are on your OP.
Lycaeum and Hyperreal are pretty definative sources too.
Got a thread link? I did a search for ‘lsd’ and ‘insane’ (also tried ‘insanity’) and could find no relevant posts from the last 30 days.
Um, why did you limit your search to just 30 days? A GQ search on “lsd insanity” anywhere in the message, for any date returned this result of 11 threads, including this on, answered by zen101: