Ok since you all answered my “cabbbit” question with such vigor, and in the process shamed my co-worker, I have a couple of more questions.
1)Where does the term “apartment” come from, as the joker in the next cubicle put it they should be called “together-ments”.
2)When a construction company wishes to build a new home and they need to drop off supplies, what address do they drop it off at, I assume a lot number, but if that doesn’t exist, how do they know where to drop it off?
[1)Where does the term “apartment” come from, as the joker in the next cubicle put it they should be called “together-ments”. ]
I could look this one up, but I have thought this over and have came up with a WAG which is good enough for me. I think it would have to come from subdividing a structure, setting a living area ‘apart’ from the main structure.
[2)When a construction company wishes to build a new home and they need to drop off supplies, what address do they drop it off at, I assume a lot number, but if that doesn’t exist, how do they know where to drop it off?]
another WAG here, you wouldn’t give an address, but you would give cross streets and landmarks. there will probally be consturction crews there and possibly a trailer. I’m, sure somewhere in history someone droped a load on a vacent lot though.
Also this is something I would have asked in MPSIMS, is this a boarderline post, does it rightly belong here? I’m not sure. I tend to underestimate though and put stuff in MPSIMS when it could probally go here
Why the heck do you assume you need a structure to have an address? I can tell you right now that you don’t. Property taxes are assessed on vacant lots and they’ve got addresses. Assigning addresses is one of the functions of your county recorder and you might be surprised to find out how many innocuous things actually have addresses assigned to them. Hell, all you gotta do is stick a post in the ground and spray paint an address on it. I’ve seen this done in many subdivisions where several houses are being erected simultaneously.
Here’s just one I have experience with.
I’m a telecom/catv engineer currently working on outside plant for hybrid fiber/coax networks. These things have what are called nodes. The piece of equipment used to convert digital optic signals to analog RF has a street address assigned to it. This is used for billing by the local power company. Basically anything that consumes energy from any sort of utility company must have an addresses alloted by the county recorder.
Even without an address, property will have lot numbers, etc. assigned to it when a deed is drawn up- i.e. as soon as someone owns it for the first time, it’s got an official means of location and designation. I’ve seen hand-painted lot numbers in new neighborhoods, posted to trees.
People can deliver to general addresses. I have mailed (UPS) things to “building site North of Mile Marker X.X on Route YY, on the East side of the road” before.