Lyn Bodoni needs a get-well card

Lyn Bodoni has a headache and a fever of 104 (that’s Fahrenheit, I hope to god).

Post your get-well cards here!

Whoa, Lynn dear! Liquids. Rest.

I hope you’re feeling riotous again, soon.

104 :eek:
Goodness gracious, Lynn! Please take care of yourself and get well soon.


Lynn, geez…that’s getting way too high. You may need to see someone. I hope you have friends or family around to make you feel better.

104 fever??? Then just what in the heck are you doing hanging out in the Pit? Take a cold bath!

(And geez, Zotti, the woman’s burning up. Put the friggin’ whip down and let her rest!)



Thanks, and I’m moving this over to MPSIMS.

I have cellulitis, and it occasionally flares up. It has flared up SPECTACULARLY this weekend. I’m going to get to the doctor as soon as she opens on Monday or Tuesday, and beg an antibiotic from her, plus a spare in case it flares AGAIN.

It’s happened before, I know how to treat it, but it’s no fun. And no, I don’t want to go to the hospital, they just poke holes in me there, and make me cranky.

Get well soon, Lynn.

Ice cream. Lots of ice cream will cure ya.

Get well, Lynn.

Jeez, Lynn, why does stuff like that always happen on the weekend? Hope you feel better!

I can’t keep it down, but thanks. Right now I’m living on chicken broth and lime slushes, which I CAN keep down. And I think I’m gonna go to bed for the night. Thanks all.

That sounds like a bugger, Lynn. I hope that relief comes soon.

104 ??? :eek:

Lynn, you’ve always been an overachiever! :wink:

Get well soon.

I hope you get better soon, Lynn.


Okay, that’s just plain showing off.

Feel better, please.

Yuck. Poor Lynn! I’m sure you know this, but cool water on the elbow/knee creases, wrists and forehead sometimes helps to bring down a fever. Plus, it feels nice when you’re sick. Get better soon!

A cheery

G e t W e l l

from me to you!

That will just about be enough of that young lady !!!

gives Lynn a box of sugar free chocolates(not the nasty tasting crap, but the really nice expensive stuff that tastes good), a gallon of spring water, a shipment of good books, and a temporary amnesty so no trolls or bizarre spam posters cause her distress in her forum

Cellulitus bites in a big way. Take good care of yourself.

Just sending a few cool breezes your way. Lynn, you probably patrol the toughest forum on this board, and you do a terrific job. Take care, and if there’s anything I can do, please let me know. I owe you one, and I’m about to owe you two.


Lynn, is it against the rules to wish death upon your illness? Hope ya feel better soon. :slight_smile: