Lyrics to "That's Life"

I was listening to the song “That’s Life”. Overall it’s a juanty little ditty about no matter how bad things are at the moment, the singer has always snapped back before and come out on top again.

But then there’s the last two lines of the song, “But if there’s nothing shakin’ come this here July/I’m gonna roll myself up in a big ball and die.”

So what’s the point? Is the song supposed to be ironic, with all of it except the end being overturned by the final lines? Or is there some bigger meaning about the months metaphor that I’m missing? Or does it just make no sense?

I don’t know… In the song he says repeatedly that he’s thought of cutting out, and that he’s found himself flat on his face.

So I’m not sure the song is quite as triumphant as it is an attempt to muster courage for another try at it, and the last line reinforces that.