Specifically, do the DVDs contain the episodes as they originally aired are they the syndicated versions that have been edited down to fit in more commercials? Anyone know?
They are the versions as they originally aired, but there are very little extras. Still worth picking up. I have the first two seasons and am going to get season 3 today.
There is an option to turn off the laugh track.
I have all three seasons released so far. If you tell me a specific scene in a specific episode to look for, or some other way to know if something’s been cut, I can check and get back to you.
Payton’s Servant: That sounds good. Sure beats the syndicated stuff.
cmk: thanks for the offer but I’m more familiar with seasons 7-on. It’s usually little things that were cut so they’re not really noticible at first but they started making mistakes as they got deeper into the series.
A couple of Klinger-centric things to watch out for in syndication:
When Potter arrives, Hawkeye & BJ take him to the Swamp after a greulling OR session. After a few drinks, they mention Klinger then the scene cuts to the exterior and all three are singing again. The actual conversation regarding Klinger was cut.
Just before Radar gets his hardship discharge, Klinger is filling in as the camp scrounge. He has to get his hairy hands on a generator because the one they had was stolen. He finally tracks one down at a supply depot but the officer it belongs to shows up at the same time. There was a great scene with Klinger intimidating some dogface by impersonating the officer. Sadly, that too was cut. All we see now is Klinger getting the idea then it skips to him returning to camp with the generator.
How did they remove the laugh track? Did they copy the episodes from the original tape they were recorded on?
cmkeller, I have a request, if I may. There was one episode where Trapper and Margaret were locked, I think, in the supply building. By the end of the show, they were set free by Hawkeye and maybe even Frank.
The scene leaves with just Trapper and Hawkeye facing each other with Trapper saying something to Hawkeye. The only thing is, the last time I saw this, whatever Trapper said, you couldn’t hear, and Hawkeye just gives his response. Would you be able to find out what was said and maybe why it was dubbed out? Thanks!
Somehow they can be seperated. From what I understand, when the BBC started airing the syndicated episodes, they initially left out the laugh track. It was put back in later on but then they started receiving numerous complaints that the laugh track cheapened the show. To their credit, the BBC went back to airing the show sans laughs.
What sort of extras are there?
Many of the cast and crew protested the laugh track for years but the executives insisted. The only time that a laugh track was not used was in surgery.
I am so pleased to know that having no laugh track is an option now.
When my sister-in-law married, my husband and I were in charge of selecting and playing a tape of wedding music. Just as a joke, we put that tinny out of tune wedding march that someone – Radar? Father Mulcahey? – played on the piano. We played it just once for the bride and groom and had a big laugh. On the other side of the tape was the real wedding music. Guess whose husband didn’t cue up the correct side!
Another cut scene is in the episode where Harry Morgan first makes an appearance as the crazy general. (Steele…three "E"s…and not all in a row. :))
Steele said the camp needed to relocate because they are supposed to be “Mobile”. The scene that was cut was when Steele, Henry and Frank go looking for a new site. When they are at the new site, Steele tells Henry and Frank to salute him. They said saluting isn’t done because of snipers, but Steele insists. The salute and the snipers open fire.
Frank and Henry jump and cower in the jeep and Steel calmly gets behind the wheel and drives off.
That scene is definitely on the DVD. So…uncut it is.
The scene you mention doesn’t ring a bell to me, off-hand. I’ve only seen 10 of the 24 season 3 episodes, so maybe it’s in one of the ones I didn’t see. When I get to it, I’ll be sure to re-post to this thread for you.
Chaim Mattis Keller
I actually just watched this one.
When Trapper whispers in Hawk’s ear, you are not meant to hear him. He was playing about to annoy Frank, as Frank figured something happened between Hotlips and Trapper in the supply shed.
Great! That settles it, I’m going to get the DVDs, as soon as I get a new DVD player.
:grumble grumble…damned Sony POS…grumble grumble:
Kwyjibo, I think I remember the scene you are referring to which, more than likely took place in the Swamp. What I remember took place in the supply building. Now, I don’t think the sound is going to be edited on DVD. I’m just wondering if the station I saw it on did something to “edit” out the line or if they were experiencing techinacl difficulties.