So I dug out one of my old computers - a Mac G4 tower with panther installed - with the aim of selling it to a buddy who wanted to mess around with ‘anything that’s not windows’
I cleaned up all personal data, and it’s all ready for him, except for one thing - I can’t change the user accounts because at some point I had set a password on it. The hint is of no help - it’s been a few years and a lifetime ago.
Mac Help tells me I can use the Install Disc to change the password, but I only have the Panther Upgrade discs, not the original OS X (Tiger? Ocelot? Can’t remember the cat name, but it’s the first one) discs.
When I load the install disc one, it asks me to authenticate before I can re-install. Back to Square 1.
Thoughts? All I want to do is remove the authentication password and delete the 2 user accounts on the machine.
Keychain is no help.