Mac people, or iTunes people...

I just got a new iMac G5! but all my songs are on my iPod. How can I get them from my iPod to my new imac? I am afraid if I plug it in it will wipe all my songs off since the iTunes on this Mac is songless. any help?

Are the USB ports on the keyboard powerful enough for the iPod? I think I remember reading somewhere that the ipod needs to be hooked up to the USB ports on hte back of the computer, but there ar only thre and I have my mouse, keyboard and printer all hooked up so I have none open.

I can answer the second part: in my experience you really do want to use the USB ports directly on the computer. I’ve had mixed luck with powered USB hubs, and no luck at all with unpowered one. I’d suggest moving the mouse cord to the keyboard instead of the iPod.

As for the first question: if you can mount the iPod as a hard drive without iTunes erasing it, the music on there is stored in an invisible directory. I’m pretty sure that iTunes will ask before erasing, but I’d hate to be wrong.

In any case, the easier solution is to just move the songs from whatever machine you had them on before to the new Mac – you must have had original files in order to get the songs on there in the first place, no? Alternatively, try mounting it, and if it DOES erase the iPod, mount it on the original computer again to get your songs back.

My itunes is on my old Windows computer, which isn’t hooked up right now (it will be soon, but the desk I planned on puting it on is way too small for it). I was hoping for an easy way to transfer tunes without erasing - I have about 12 GB of my 30 GB iPod filled - not all is music, I have some TV shows too, but it will take hours if I do that.

You definitely want your mouse hooked up to the keyboard.

As for the music question… I dunno.

You can’t transfer from your iPod to your iMac. In order to prevent piracy, y’see. Cos it could be your music on the iPod and your friends iMac that you’re transferring them to.

What computer are the original tracks on (that you used to load up your iPod)? You can transfer the music files from that computer to your shiny new iMac.

All my music is o my windows computer. It sounds like it will be a PITA to do this - my network is slow…darn.

There is evidently a way to transfer your songs from your iPod to your computer, but it is not clearly legal. (One hears it is very easy to find and not at all difficult to do, however, but I haven’t personally tried it.) I believe other threads have discussed it, but I can’t think of what the program is called.

I think I know what you are talking about, and I think I have found it. Thansk to all who’ve helped!
