Mad Magazine movie and TV parody titles - Name some from memory

“The Planet That Went Ape”

The Unwatchables

Me too! To the tune of “Send in the Clowns”

Spock: Isn’t it strange? Does it seem queer?
Him playing Captain again, me with my ears?
Send in the crew."
Kirk: “Look at me now, at my old post,
Happy that I can forget*** Barbary Coast.***
Where is my crew? Send in my crew!”

I was about to recite Mad’s parody of ‘America the Beautiful’, but suddenly realized it was from George Carlin.

What the hell, it sorta fits the thread:

*Oh beautiful, for smoggy skies, insecticided grain
For stripped-mind mountain majesties, above the asphalt plain
America, America, man shed his waste on thee
And hide the pines with billboard signs
From sea to oily sea


The only one I can remember off the top of my head: “Murder, She Hopes”


Conehead the Barbituate.

Some movie parodies:

Being Not All There.

One Cuckoo Flew Over the Rest.


The China Sindome.

Gall of the President’s Men.

Botch Casually and the Somedunce Kid.