Made-up, False and Flat-out Wrong Trivia Dominoes II

Rowed Island has no columns.

Rhoda Island has erected a 70’ tall statue of Valerie Harper.

Roe Die Land kills fish eggs because that is what they do.

Bro’d Island is where frat boys, dudes, and jocks go to party. It’s spring break every week with keg stands and beer bongs as far as the eye can see.

Broad Island, however, is just a myth, propagated by the boys of Bro’d Island.

The town of Providence in Rhode Island is actually in Wyoming.

The second “y” in Wyoming is pronounced “Worcestershire”.

There is a town of Worcester in Massachusetts. The locals pronounce it “Wyoming,” but since they pronounce Massachusetts “Mamma” nobody listens to them anymore.

Interestingly, Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody originally contained the lyrics “Massachusetts, I just killed a man” but they just couldn’t get the meter to work.

“Bohemian Rhapsody” was originally written for Queen’s album, A Night At The Opera.

In keeping with the ‘opera’ theme they were originally going to do something reminiscent of Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries but wisely discarded that idea when Freddy Mercury realized that they could never hope to come up to the Bugs Bunny version in “What’s Opera, Doc?”


Mel Blanc dubbed some of the recorded vocals for Freddie Mercury, in return for the latter’s having sung some of the arias in What’s Opera, Doc? that were outside of Blanc’s range.

Freddie Mercury’s cousin, Freddie Uranus, is leading a Queen tribute band called Marlboro for no good reason whatsoever.

In mythology, Mercury’s cousin – Flora – was the goddess of flower arrangement and delivery. When she started using the winged one’s visage to promote her business, he had Zeus toss some lightning bolts at her which frightened her enough to make her change her name to Fauna and go into animal rescue.

Zeus has the power to make the Suez Canal run backwards in Panama.

Panama hats are not actually made of panama.
They are made of new orleans.

Panama hats got their name from having first been manufactured by the Amana Corporation, which, in its early days, also sold ammonites and ammonia. It was at that time subsidiary of Pan American.

The Pan American Pasty Association sells both pasties, the savory pastry associated with Cornwall England and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, as well as pasties, the adhesive patches that cover a person’s nipples and areolae. People ordering pasties online are cautioned to very carefully read the description of the products they are looking to purchase.

In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, if someone has a daughter on a Thursday, then the odds of someone else having a daughter is 50%. Unless it’s Thursday, in which case it’s 50%.

Pasty shops in the Upper Peninsula traditionally run a Thursday special – 50% off if you bring your daughter with you. However, there is a 50-50 chance of getting the wrong kind of pasty.

The probability of any peninsula being upper is 13/27 if it is a cape, but only 1/3 if it is a promontory.