Mafia Reunion - Day Three

I don’t believe the bolded part above is correct. The roles doc shows on the scum PMs that they win when the number of scum is greater than 50% of the population and they outnumber the opposing scum faction. Which means they could win at at as few as 26 players remain if one of the factions loses no members and the other only loses 1. Example: Mafia have 7, wolves have 6, combined they number 13… meaning total population would be 26 to meet the wincon. Throw in at least 5 of the remaining population being 3P and it would be 8 town remaining.
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OK. So you want to look up sachertorte, but your positive I’m lying…Well wouldn’t that mean sachertorte is lying also. Talk about not making any sense. I have to look more into your posts and participation. If my memory serves you have been rather lurky until you started coming down on me. If I wasn’t on my phone I would vote for you right now. Perhaps after dinner when I can return to my PC.

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On the bright side, it was just one town death - on the downside, it’s going to be a very long game if we only have one death a night. And thankfully no modkills.

This quite frankly, is a terrible plan. We need to find scum, not 3rd parties.
At this point in time it makes no difference whether the cult is win stealing or not, there is no way they can win with 40+ folk still alive. Yes we need to eventually determine whether they are truthful but it is not a priority.

I do think we need to resolve the toejam issue. I would have thought he would have been an obvious pro-town choice for batman - possibly batman was turned off, or toejam was protected?

vote: toejam

How could 7 mafia win with a total of 26 still alive?

Look at the wincon:

“YOU WIN if the total number of living Mafia is greater than or equal to 50% of the total population[/u[ AND greater than the number of living Wolves.”

If 7 mafia were alive - for the 50% to be true, the total population could only be 14, and no more than 6 wolves alive.

Oh yeah and I random.Org picked mhaye for investigation and mhaye isn’t lutha

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I find this post insincere. It feels like you’re trying to manufacture outrage.

I agree with you about Crys and Sachertorte.

Paul is wildly aggressive both as town and scum.

I’m suspicious of Prof. P. Namely because I went completely AWOL for several days and he tried to make a thing of it. He knows I don’t play scum by hiding.

I agree with Angel. That post and it’s reasoning is awful. If you’re so convinced it’s all a lie, the answer of what to do about it is fairly academic. If they aren’t neutral 3rd parties, which is part of the claim, they need to die, period, full stop. As it seems likely that Batman is turned off for at least the time being, and scum are unlikely to do it for us, that leaves lynching them.

Of course, if you yourself are some flavor of scum, then you have an additional data point that they aren’t a member of your faction. That means it’s more likely they are telling the truth. And if they are telling the truth, then lynching them is good for your team since it’s effectively a mislynch for town. However, you probably don’t want to just come out and SAY “we should totally lynch them!” since if they do flip non-hostile or something it makes you look bad. So what is an enterprising scum to do?

Oh yeah, try and sucker someone else into making the big push for you! Especially if you start mentioning lying, which has already lead to one town’s death this game, that should grab someone’s attention!

Overall, pretty scummy and a good place for at least an initial vote.

Vote enderw24

Well, real quick off-the-top-o’-me-gulliver:

**Prof **is and has been making me feel uneasy ever since his I’m-not-gonna-fluff-it-up stance on D1.

**PaulwisaG **kinda pinged me last Night when he put words in my mouth, plus his theories seem overly paranoid to the point of being purposefully confusing.

Crys, I believe is 3rd party, but i do still think she needs to die. Or Sachers. one of the two. And I think it needs to be sooner than later, but only if there isn’t scum in our sites. A good use for a 2nd/3rd lynch, should we get the opportunity again.

**Hooker **seems a bit on the towny side with his usual analysis, but he’s fooled me before.

**Biotop **is towny enough for now that I’m not worried about him yet. But he has certainly fooled me before.

Plum, you yourself seem towny enough for now.

**Meeko **I’m really hoping is town and I’m dreading the time when I have to decode his posts…which I’m sure will require drinking a lot of ovaltine to get the decoder.

**Angel **I would like to hear from more, but is, again for now, seeming towny.

**Raven **townenough4now

Sunny D townenough4now

**BillMC **townenough4now

I am concered about, and will look further into, the bottom posters. I’m sure there is scum lurking in that cesspool. It’s now D3, I think we have given people enough time to get a handle on the game and start participating. I don’t care if they skim most of D1, get on and playing. If you need a refresher on something from earlier in the game, ask someone to point you to the relevant info.

I’ll add more later after burritotime.

Questions from the Night:

Dammit. Cross Posted in Day 2:

Bill already mentioned this, but paul’s assessment is incorrect and it needs to be reiterated. An intact scum team of seven would only win when there are 14 or fewer players and at least of the other scum team had died.

Allow me to add my voice to those saying this assessment makes no sense.
[li]The purpose of sachertorte’s claim seems pretty clear to me. Crys was under severe pressure for claiming a very unusual role and being third party. Sachertorte’s claim could at least corroborate the existence of the cult.[/li][li]How would Crys be lying if sachertorte can corroborate her role PM? The only way that works is if scum have the third party PMs and Crys fake claims third party with real third party sachertorte coming to corroborate her. I suppose that’s technically a possability, but it seems so improbable that I don’t think it’s worth considering. I suppose they could both be scum in an elaborate plan to fake claims of a switch and two third party players but that seems like a very high risk/low reward play, and I’m not considering it at this point.[/li][li]Finding your teammates isn’t much as power roles go. At best, it gives them a slightly better chance of not shooting each other.[/li][li]Survival is a fairly well established win condition for third parties. It’s not unreasonable to change it from an individual goal in a smallish game to a team goal in a game of this size.[/li][/ol]

Let’s settle this nonsense.

Mods, can a vanilla player target themselves to produce an observable effect?

So I started digging around in the world of Ender. I started in the day/night 1 thread and I will do the rest tomorrow, but I’m not liking what I see so far.

#243 is his first post where he comes in and votes for septimus

Then he doesn’t return until post #668in which he comments on the colby train but leaves his vote on septimus. Keep in mind these both are no longer here and have come up town.

Then in post #1086 he talks about how a mass claim is bad. He keeps his vote on septimus cause even though he claimed he thinks he’s still scummy.

Returns #1195 and swaps his vote to Toe Jam, who is still alive mind you, and has had vote trains on him each day (maybe hes doin some bussing, or going for cred on his scummate)

EOD happens and we are in the night thread, by this time septimus has already flipped town, and starts trying to break down mechanics on how that may have happened. The next 2 poss after that are about the death mechanics and how the EMT roll should have worked…just feels forced like he’s trying to appear townie and helpful those other 2 posts are #1419 and 1427

his final post of #1427 talks about scum lurking in lakai votes which…duh yeah we will most likely find some scum/wolves there.

Now one other thing that sticks out to me is that he posted exactly 4 times in each section of the thread. That just is weird to me. it could be coincidental but idk. For the moment I’m going to :

Vote: enderW24

I don’t see any reason to go ahead and lynch a 3rd party claimant at this time. If they continue to survive further down the road, then yes, let’s throw one in as a second or third lynch and shake 'em like a piñata to see what comes out. I’m somewhat optimistic that their role reveal will show hostile or non-hostile, since the given PM from crys does show that. Of course that could be faked all around, but if I were altering a PM I’d change as little about it as possible. Change “hostile” to “non-hostile”, tweak the win condition, bada-bing bada-boom.

The run onto ToeJam so late yesterDay was weird, and I don’t know what to make of it. We know it wasn’t scum trying to save their own teammate, and I don’t see the Brewha voters as scum jumping ship from a vote they know is going to turn up Town, because a) they don’t know that, Mafia would only know it wasn’t them and Wolves the same, and could have been scum from their opposing team, and b) a vote for a liar who turns out to be Town is pretty easily defensible. I don’t necessarily believe in lynching all liars, but typically IME liars are not Town, and if they are, should fess up sooner than later when possible. If Brewha had done so when he claimed, I think many of us would have found that understandable.

However, in the matter of ToeJam, although the late Day vote jumps onto him seem odd to me, I do recognize the aggressive style of play he came back with. I know of at least once in a previous game that Townie-me was poked and prodded and absolutely enraged by scum-him. I only recall seeing that from him as scum. Take that with a grain of five-year-old salt, as that’s how long I’ve been gone.

Yeah i know I just wanted to put it out there who I investigated. I gave the information in good faith do with it what you will lol.

Fair enough. I was expecting to gain Votes on D3. At least I have some time to defend myself (but again, I will be busy with Work M-F, I will be more suited to stuff Saturday, and then away Sunday). So I’ll be trying to keep up with the thread through the Day though, and try to avoid the cluster from D2.
–I just ask if you DO vote for me, please give me your personal reasons or Qs to address, etc. Rather than just saying "I agree with “so-and-so”'s Posts. Me Too votes are so infuriatingly silly. At least have a pair and give me a chance to defend myself. Then again, if you think there’s no way for me to avoid a lynch. Then by all means, say that too.

1.I will agree to disagree with you on this point. But fair enough. The votes were coming off a Townie and a claimed 3rd Party on D2. And on D2, Brewha was NOT Mod-confirmed until he died. So don’t let PIS get into your eyes to cloud that.
D1- I wasn’t here to really see that Wagon in real time. There yeah, I don’t feel that I was being “bussed” on D1. I feel it was more D2 that was more scum driven.

  1. I believe I addressed these points during D2. Do you have further questions or issues with my defense there? Or do you actually feel my defense changed nothing- you still “believe your early case”. May I ask why/how I can clarify?

  2. Again, you’re reading intent into my “lurking”. There’s no way I can defend against that as I pointed out. You either have to take me at my word that Work has been extremely busy M-F since January started (and note that again my high volume of activity tends to be closer to weekends/holidays) vs. if you believe that was an Intentional act- then I simply cannot change your mind. But I will say that falls then close to become like your arguments for “policy voting”. It’s too easy to hide your votes under the guise of “Well I just think he intentionally was absent and now isn’t”
    –My counterpoint- which I made to **RavenThief **- If i was intentionally lurking, why didn’t I just wait until the Night to Post to avoid the NightKill? That part was explicitly made to me over FB by NAF.

4/5: I address the Brewha thing with Guiri above. And I point out the VT targetting themselves rationale above. The VT thing is a silly idea, but what’s wrong with some silliness in this game?

As always,

*Unless you felt that was too accommodating. In which case, screw you. :cool:

You really think after yesterDay that everyone would be totally okay with crys not telling us who she says she investigated and what the result was?

I know. It’s just turtles all the way down.
Okay. Time for some productivity! Adios.

I have no idea what that would actually mean, so let’s say "No."