MAFIA: The Road to Canterbury - Game Thread

I wanted to jump on that too. I was all set to be “hey, pretending not to know that scum have to have the knives is a scum tell!” but all for naught. I has a sad. :frowning:

I agree with everyone else that MHaye’s note about Visorslash’s 3/15 thing is definitely, well, noteworthy. I’m also not satisfied with the “we’ll probably not lynch scum D1” comment - Visor, could you explain?

with only three investigators and 19 players, I think the odds of random overlap are low enough that we should let them investigate whomever they wish. it didn’t occur to me that by choosing targets publicly for them we would be giving scum the upper hand.

Is it really the best thing, though, to burn all our investigations on night one? Yeah, it could give us good information right out the gate, but like **Stanislaus **said, what if it comes back that they’re all town? Does that really do us any good? I know that Day 1 is a day of pretty much no info, but surely it’s better to wait for more details to come out before burning all of our investigations at once.

I don’t see that learning 3 alignments in one swoop is any different than learning them in a staggered fashion. The biggest danger is that an investigator will be killed before they can use their power. Since the Cloak persists until the bearer dies, we can’t even doublecheck an investigation with another investigator.

I’s just thinking that staggering the investigations might allow for more time to make the targets of those investigations clearer, instead of pretty much shooting in the dark. Isn’t it more likely that early investigations will probably always turn up town, just because of the odds? So we’re not really getting any good info by burning through them right away.

The issue I have with doing it all at once is that trying to issue orders to Town powers is ultimately futile. We have no executive oversight of the PM they send to Storyteller, so we can never actually know, until they claim, what they did. Lynching the player for not doing what we said might, at that point, be a game-losing proposition.

I will not support a “do it all N1” suggestion. I wasn’t wholly comfortable with my own suggestion; this pushes it too far.

Right. The investigator must weigh the odds of using their power early and relatively unhindered vs. later and risking dying before they can use it or being blocked in some manner. I’m not saying that one option is necessarily better than the other, mind you.

Hell, it’s mafia. Rarely is one option necessarily better than the other, at least in the games I’ve seen! :slight_smile:

Of course, that could be just want he wanted you to think.

Dun dun duuuuuun!

Storyteller, if a scum player wearing the Cloak of Lies is killed, is the fact they were wearing the cloak revealed? (Obviously, if the scum use on a town player it doesn’t, as that would render it useless).

Something from the rules I think is important, scum can Day-talk in this game.

“If you have access to outside boards, you may post to them on any subject at any time.”

Probably full of medieval porn by now.

I’m quite astonished at all of the to-do my FOS caused. :slight_smile: My FOS of Inner was not a joke; I do think that scum often try to appear helpful in just that way, and so need watching. Of course, it was just an FOS, and in the first minutes of D1. I hope before this Day ends that I can find a better reason for an actual vote.

Trying to harness the investigators makes me quite nervous. I keep thinking that scum are somehow trying to direct the investigations. Clearly we do not want to let scum know our investigators’ targets ahead of time. That would make using the cloak just too easy for them.

While it’s definitely better to use investigations before you get dead, I also see some advantage to holding them for some period. For example, if the bearer of the cloak is lynched on D2, wouldn’t you want to use your investigation then?

How so? The point of the cloak is to throw off investigators. If they use it on a townie, and then that townie is investigated, they’ll come up as scum. They’ll protest their innocence, we’ll dog-pile them, and at dusk we’ll find out that we’ve been duped into a mislynch.

The original question is a good one, though. Unless he was recruited, we have a vig, so the question remains – would the reveal of a nightkilled scum wearing the cloak state that they were wearing the cloak?

I was confusing it with the Death Miller role (i.e., the town player also shows up as scum after death, which is a really nasty one), as it just says alignment, and nothing about investigations. Reading it again, I’m pretty sure that’s not the case, as it says the cloak creates either a Godfather or a Miller, not a Death Miller.

I"m just kind of jumping in here, been a long day. It’s kind of weird that you mention this twice in a row. Confirmed (or semi based on potential use of the cloak) town are awesome at the beginning of the game. Hoopy, damn you, Frood, pretty much insists that the point of a detective is to confirm town not find scum. And it’s not just two/three confirmed town, we then have potentially 3 vanilla town confirmed (the detectives). This kind of falls apart if one or more of the scummies was a dick before being annointed to scumitude. If that’s the case we’re pretty much screwed anyway.

Let’s keep in mind that if we were to try and arrange a mass investigation, then it should absolutely, without a doubt, be done toDay. That way the Cloak of Lies isn’t in play yet, so we can remove that possible false result from the table.

NETA: Errr…or would it? If scum place the Cloak on someone toNight, then I suppose it would effect an investigation that was done toNight as well, wouldn’t it?

It would. But first we have to assume the cloak is even in play. At random, it’s about 50% probability. The choice isn’t even remotely random, I know, but there are some better options out there. If the goal of the scum team is to win, individual scum lynchings be damned, the bloody spear and the Hawk are two better choices IMO.

But even if we’re certain the cloak is in play, you’ve got to match up the cloak with an investigation target before it starts causing havok. The odds of that happening…eh, I can’t calculate that at the moment. I’m just going to guess a 1/6 chance and call that good.

Basically what it comes down to is this: The odds of an investigator being scum have already been calculated as better than 50/50. I’d be much more worried about purposeful lying than I would worrying about whether any investigator’s claim is accidently being reversed thanks to the cloak.

I think the chance of the cloak being in play is quite high. If the scum didn’t take it, they run the risk that The Clerk checks it is in play. That would just leave us with the problem that one or more of our investigators could be scum. Stanislaus worked out that there is a 53% chance one is. Can anyone work out what the odds are that two or three are?

So what should we do? Lying scum investigators aren’t going to magically be less likely as the game goes on. Why not try to get as much info as we can, as early as we can?

More importantly, if I hypothetically were to agree with you, what should we do about it? Should we just treat every investigation claim as basically worthless, or what?

No, I agree with you. I’ve said before that I’m in favor of all three investigators doing their thing on night 1. What I’m saying is that if you’re a townie and worried about either a) a lying scum investigator or b) a truthful investigator getting duped by the cloak, I’d be much more worried about A than B. But right now, I don’t have an answer as to what to do about it. Sorry.