MAFIA: The Road to Canterbury - Game Thread

What was the URL for the Wiki? Maybe it’s archived on the Wayback Machine. If so, I’ll mirror a copy on my site.

Me too – since the rules say they’re must be taken:

Absolutely. The idea of “lynch all liars” is critically flawed because town lying to scum is one of a vanilla player’s best weapons. If a vanilla townie can subtlety make themselves a desirable target for scum to nightkill, then they’ve done a great service to town – they’ve taken a kill that could’ve taken out a power role. Of course, the gamble is that you’ll garner doctor attention and waste a protection that could’ve saved a power role, which is why it’s a tricky thing to pull off. But if you can do it, it’s a thing of beauty.

That said, it’s also much less effective in a “no-vanilla” game like this. Maybe down the road, after some powers have been used.

NETA: Wha-oops…I see MHaye already discovered the bit about the knives. Stupid customers, interrupting my posting…

Just a ‘newbie’ thing, not used to the culture in these, I guess. Just doesn’t seem to make sense to drop an accusation (even as weak a one as it was) half a dozen comments in, especially when two of those were by the same guy.

If it is serious, it seems, well, suspicious, because of that.

I don’t know how up-to-date it is, but there were some useful references.

Yeah, I don’t know what Alka Seltzer is on about. Players joke about suspicions all the time and Day 1 is primo for joke votes and votes.

As far as lying goes, for me, I usually lie in closed setups when no one knows more about my role than me and the mod. I’ll hold aspects of my power in reserve or intimate that I get a different result than I do in order to try to snare a scum. In this game, that’s less useful as everyone knows what every role can do.

Here’s the Internet Archive version.

I think we get the most value out of our 3 investigators if, as described, they all investigate during Night 1, assigned to 3 selected targets. We slightly overcome the obstacle of the cloak if all investigations are done at once, since it can only obfuscate one result.

If an investigator is somehow miraculously assigned to investigate themselves, should they just investigate someone else at random?

I do not like specifying exactly who each investigator should be investigating, nosiree. I think the best plan is something on the order of if your username starts with ADGJMPSV or Y investigate in the top third of the player list, if it starts with BEHKNQTW or Z search in the middle third and so on for CFILORU or X. Obviously this isn’t the only way to break it down or the best way, but I think it’s a lot less prone to manipulation than handing down target assignments from the collective on high.

Plus how much fun is it to have your role usage determined by committee?

I second that motion. Can we get a role call vote?

Howzabout this:

Players #1-6 vote on a target for The Friar
Players #7-13 vote on a target for The Man of Law
Players #14-19 vote on a target for The Reeve

Hopefully scum will be spread out enough that they won’t be able to influence any of the votes too much. Thoughts?

Direct influence via their unofficial vote for the target but we can’t account for the indirect influence they may have on who people choose to vote for. Also, what happens if an investigator goes rogue and blows off town’s decision? When it comes to light, do we lynch the investigator for bucking town’s leash? If we don’t then nothing is holding investigators to abiding by the decision beyond a sense of loyalty to town but if we do, we’re essentially agreeing to burning a lynch to punish anti-town behavior on the part of a townie.

Ah, but he didn’t place a vote on someone who hadn’t even posted in the thread. See Post #3. Someone seems to be skimming…if only that were a Scum tell… :wink:

FWIW, I have no problem with **Visorslash’s **early, baseless vote on me. Mainly because it was early and completely baseless, and he made no effort to make it seem to be anything but. By the same token, I think **TexCat’s **FOS of Inner Stickler for “being too helpful” is equally not worth getting worked up about. It’s very early on Day 1; about the only thing there is to do at this point is throw out wild accusations, and see what reactions we get.

Before we get too carried away with plans for investigators, I really think we need to understand what we’re getting out of it.

Let’s say we come up with a plan for getting three investigations on D2, and it works. Reading straight down the player list, let’s say that:

  1. Mahaloth
  2. Inner Stickler
  3. Stanislaus

claim investigator and say that they’ve found:

  1. Babale
  2. gnarlycharly
  3. Alka Seltzer

to be Town. What will we do with that?

Do we trust the three investigators? If we do, do we trust the investigatees? Specifically, would you protect any of these 6 if you had the chance to do so? Would you be happy to assume they were Town for the next few Days and look elsewhere for Scum?

I make the chance that no investigator was picked as Scum as being (16/19)(15/18)(14/17)*(13/16). Which is 47%, meaning there’s a 53% chance at least one investigator is Scum now. Add in the chance of the Cloak of Lies and there’s a lot of uncertainty. (Incidentally, the Cloak of Lies is why we couldn’t nominate specific individuals to be investigated!)

Even if, say, Mahaloth were to finger Babale as scum, and the lynch proved him right, I don’t know if that would be enough to trust Maha. If the Scum have an (ex) investigator, they’ll have a big incentive to win trust by bussing.

So unless we know what these investigations are actually going to mean to us, and we’re happy with that, we shouldn’t worry too much about a plan for getting them.

i’m for all the investigators using their abilities toNight. Inner’s idea is okay but there isn’t any way to tell if the three actually agree. that’s assuming none are now scum. each one will likely just have to rely on their best judgment.

I considered the FOS a joke, for what it’s worth.

So, yeah, my little glossary is missing some terms.

FOS-Finger of Suspicion- used to indicate when you find someone suspicious enough to keep an eye on but not worth a vote. (Some like me, consider it a way to alert someone to the fact that if we weren’t already voting for a terribly scummy person, we’d be voting for them, the logic being, if you find something scummy and have an available vote, use it! FOSes can be used to lay groundwork for cases without being accountable for them.) Rarely people will use the BHE or Big Hairy Eyeball, which is the same thing as a finger of suspicion.

I will take this opportunity to restate my position that I am categorically opposed to Town Power usage being decided upon by ‘community decision’. I believe that all Town Powers should use their abilities as they see fit, and by doing so assume full responsibility for whatever those actions are, rather than having the excuse “I was just doing what I was told”.

Just came in to say pretty much the same thing. I know I posted a method of communally choosing investigative targets, but that was without thinking whether or not we should. After giving it some thought, I’m in favor of letting the investigators investigate on their own terms, whenever and on whomever they choose.

If we want to throw something out there to address potential overlap, I think that’s fine. Personally, I’m willing to ride to odds to a certain extent and let them make their own decisions re: targets.

I’m thinking a scheme to avoid investigator overlap is better tactics than MHaye’s idea of serial investigations and reveals.

Jokes are fine, but as I said it should be clear when a player is making a joke. It’s a game of communication.

We’ll see what TexCat says.

I agree with (some) of what’s been posted above. Investigators should all do their investigations on Night 1. There should be a way of ensuring no overlap of investigations and the actual target of the investigations should NOT be decided by committee. Doing the third gives too much information back to scum.