MAFIA: The Road to Canterbury (Open Game; Sign-Ups)

Ich longen to goon on thys pilgrimage but the tyme permitteth me nowt.


Just as well, I’m going to policy vote all role-players in this one. :wink:

this probably describes me as well, unfortunately

I guess I will sign up. I don’t think I will be away from internet access for any extended periods and I can’t play during the school year now since they have blocked the dope. So, I guess I better take advantage of summer vacation.


I’m in if you will have me. I totally sucked at the last Batman game, curse you time zones and BillMc. I thought I would have way more time for that game and it always evaporated Day by Day. And I was a total bitch to a another lurker:smack::smack::smack:

But yeah, I’m up for a storyteller#### game anytime. :cool:

So, now that I have a bit of time, my theory about the game!

Canterbury Tales is a story about a group of pilgrims. Each one tells a story, and the stories become increasingly seedy and vulgar. As far as I can tell, there are 24 pilgrims, but I suppose Storyteller may have cut some of them out since some of the stories are very fragmented. So I’m guessing we’ll be taking the roles of some of the pilgrims, with some of the roles being scum and some being town. Not sure why we’re lynching each other, though! :smiley:

For speculation’s sake, here are the pilgrims, according to Wikipedia:

Knight, Miller, Reeve, Cook, Man of Law, Wife of Bath, Friar, Summoner, Clerk, Merchant, Squire, Franklin, Physician, Pardoner, Shipman, Prioress, Sir Thopas, Melibee, Monk, Nun’s Priest, Second Nun, Canon’s Yeoman, Manciple, Parson

The other possibility is that we’ll get roles from the tales themselves rather than the pilgrims. I guess we’ll see when the game starts.

Haven’t read the tales themselves, but I have read a summary of them. Lots of interesting scope for a mafia game.

Never played Mafia before. So why not?

I’m in.

  1. Mahaloth
  2. Inner Stickler
  3. Stanislaus
  4. Babale
  5. gnarlycharly
  6. Alka Seltzer
  7. Texcat
  8. Suburban Plankton
  9. MentalGuy
  10. sinjin
  11. Enderw24

Only need eight more.

Same…the concept seems interesting and a simple game seems a good way to test the waters…

I’ll give it a shot. What are the day/night time cycles?

Oh, and while I haven’t read the tales, I’ve been to Canterbury a few times. As well as the famous cathedral, large sections of the medieval walls are still standing. One gatehouse from the time of Chaucer is still there, and fortunately is just large enough for a double-decker bus to pass through. That’s what I call forward planning.

Just a word of warning, an entire game of one-shot actions is very much nonstandard so if you like the game and wish to play more, be aware that strategies we devise in this game may not apply well to other games.

Days will start on Saturday and run through Thursday; Night will be Thursday through Saturday.


(if you happen to get a 20th signup request, you can bump me to your sub list)

Wait…we devise strategies? Why wasn’t I informed?

Not being informed is a scum tell.

Oh good, you’re up to speed already.

Having just gone off on one in the “Better Mafia” thread about the importance of knowing your long-term plans before committing to a Mafia game, I’m hugely embarrassed to recall that I will, in fact, be on holiday for the first week of August. However, I will have internet access, so it shouldn’t make a huge difference to my ability to play.

coughs, looks at feet
Charing Cross to Canterbury is one of the major commutes for London workers. Given the performance of privatised rail, it is still by no means uncommon to see people offering prayers for a speedy journey before embarking.
I’ve read a couple of the Tales - we can only hope that the Miller’s power in some way involves branding people on the arse.

I’d like to play a game of more traditional mafia after my utter failure in the last game. I’m in!