Magazines you own EVERY copy of

Empire magazine has just released its 200th issue, so congratulations are in order, first and foremost, even if I am only an occasional Empire reader (I get the Other film magazine). I know a guy who has all 200 issues… its fun to flick through the older issues and read rumours about upcoming movies, some of which still havent been made! Does anybody on the SDMB have a complete magazine collection? Best I can manage is every issue of GamesTM magazine, a videogame monthly, which is on its fiftieth isuue, or so. And, if I’m being honest, I only bought it at the start because I saw it was the first issue, and I wanted to build a complete collection of magazines, having missed out on a complete Total Film library by about ten issues. Anyone have a better collection? All filed away like Costanza’s TV guides??

I have every copy of the late great Sci-fi Universe, Air&Space and Skeptic.

Nope. I subscribe to at least 20 magazines. I don’t tend to keep them too long. I do keep computer magazines around for about a year because there are troubleshooting tips and other information that I’ll use from time to time. Same with Men’s Health. I keep Baseball Digests for about a year 'cause they’re good bathroom reading.

However, I do keep college and pro football preview magazines forever. My earliest is from 1978.

Most of my mainstream magazines (Time, BusinessWeek, etc.) have extensive online archives, so I don’t bother to keep back issues. I regret not keeping my back issues of Spy Magazine, even though it was an imcomplete set, because I don’t think it’s available anywhere on the internet, and the content was good.

Belmo’s Beatleg News.

CPU (Computer Power User) magazine, a monthly. It’s only a few years old.
Make, but that’s easy, it’s quarterly and entering it’s second year.
I can highly recommend both.

I have every copy of the sf magazine Galaxy, and Isaac Asimov’s SF magazine. I have every copy of Worlds of Tomorrow. I have every copy of a number of sf magazines with much shorter runs, many from the mid-50s.

I’m only missing one F&SF - I think Vol. 1 No. 2.

I have every issue of Military History Quarterly. In hardcover so far, but I’m going to switch to the softcover newsstand editon; it’s cheaper.

I know a man who has every issue of Rolling Stone.

I have been a subscriber to Cars and Parts Magazine since 1983 and have every issue. A couple years ago they gave me a free years subscription as a 20 years subscriber gift. It’s not every issue but how many folks have almost 22 years worth of the same mag? National Geographic subscribers excluded. :smiley:

I have every issue of OMNI.

I have had every issue of some magazines, usuall short-lived ones, but I have tossed quite a few for space reasons. Those I have had:

Aboriginal SF
Galaxy (the 1990s incarnation, at least)
tomorrow SF
Wigwag (a fine little New Yorker-like magazine that, alas, that folded after about six issues)

If you include comic books:

Swamp Thing (original run)
Howard the Duck (original run)
Sandman (if you count the graphic novels; I have all issues from about 50 on)
The Heckler

I had every issue of Twilight Zone and Night Cry until I started clearing things out. I’m making a few collectors happy, who were missing an issue here and there.

I have every issue of a few short-run comics. The 1960s Silver Surfer, the 1970s ** The Demon**. DC’s 1970s Sword of Srcery (their competition for Marvel’s Conan). The Spectacular Spider-Man, Savage Tales. he unlamented Captain Action.
I have some recent limited-run comics, but I don’t think that’s in the spirit of this thread.

I have every issue of the gay-interest magazine Instinct and a number of complete runs of comics (which since I had a penchant for buying comics which were cancelled almost immediately really isn’t saying much).

I own every Thor ever published by Marvel as well as the Silver Surfer (all three volumes). My cousin started it and gave them to me when he passed. Figured I’d close it out for him.

Dewey Finn writes:

> I regret not keeping my back issues of Spy Magazine, even though it was an
> imcomplete set, because I don’t think it’s available anywhere on the internet,
> and the content was good.

I can’t even figure out what a complete set of Spy would consist of. There’s no running issue numbers on the magazine, and there were so many cases where they skipped an issue that it’s impossible to figure out how many issues there were in total. There doesn’t seem to be any website that gives a list of all the issues.

I have complete runs of maybe a dozen comics or so, but no true magazines.


Several comics; Dragon Magazine, if one counts the CD archive they produced a few years back; if only I’d kept up with Nintendo Power…

One of my friends used to have the complete run of Maxim. He kept them in this binder that he used to call “his work”.

It was weird to say the least.

We haven’t talked in a little while so I don’t know if he kept up with it.

Video Watchdog. One early issue was chewed by my dog, but other than that, the complete series is intact.