Mail order meat: Yay or Neigh?

Occasionally I’ll get emails from the Omaha Steak Co. with-- what seem to me to be-- pretty good deals.

The most recent had 4-5oz. bacon-wrapped filets, plus 12-quarter-pound hamburgers, all for $26 (+s&h).

I’m not really sure I want to start ordering my meat over the Internet, and have it delivered by the USPS (or UPS or FedEx or whatever).

Has anyone here ordered meat from Omaha Steaks? Or any other mail-order company? What are your thoughts on this?
Is Omaha a reputable co.?


I have ordered from them once, and I was very happy with the transaction.

I ordered six 6-ounce filet mignon steaks for Christmas dinner with my extended family, and as soon as I placed the order, learned that six gourmet burgers were included.

All were outstanding.

We’ve received them as gifts. They came in dry ice and were very tasty. No problem with Omaha here.

“Yay or Neigh”

That’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen here, Happy. :slight_smile:

We received Omaha Steaks as a gift a couple of years ago. They were divine – really some of the best steaks I’ve ever had. Our sampler included three types of steak and some burgers, with some gourmet hot dogs thrown in for free. All of it was great.

What lieu said.

I’ve never ordered them, but I’ve bought Omaha steaks at a couple of their outlet stores (Small store next to Barbaques Galore in San Jose, or just a section of another Barbaques Galore in Milpitas.) Both times the meat was pretty good. So I’d say yea.

Well,…not horsemeat!

We have had some Omaha Steaks (which were sent as a gift) and we really liked them.

I think you can’t go wrong, Happy.

Rick (and Brynda)

Wow, who’d’ve thunk I could get high quality discounted meat shipped to my door. I think I’m sold. Thanks for the input!

Now if I can only be talked into giving out my credit card # over the Internet…:frowning:

Happy, jonesin’ for Omaha