Major movies that have NEVER been released on home media

The German dub is no longer in print, but it’s easy to find used copies. is showing eight VHS copies starting from €27.49. This one definitely doesn’t qualify as “never released”.

Shazaam, starring Sinbad.

I have a copy. It’s a double-movie disc with the super-sekret edition of Big.

Nope. A few years ago, we bought a copy of Song of the South on VHS that was allegedly released in Canada. Came with a clamshell cover and everything.

Thread from 2013.

The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams was very popular when it hit theaters in 1974. (My parents took me to see it.) It was the 7th highest grossing film for that year. But it has never come out on DVD. There are some VHS tapes floating around.

I saw that movie on VHS. It was either from the library or rented. Maybe I own a copy somewhere? I forget. But it was definitely released on video.

I know it was never released theatrically, but *The Star Wars Holiday Special * has never been released on any form of home media. (OK, the Boba Fett cartoon was included 2011 Star Wars: the Complete Saga Blu-ray set as an easter egg, but the main portion is only available as a bootleg.)

Also the 1994 movie The Fantastic Four was never released theatrically or any home media. It was never intended to to be released publically; it was only made so the producers could secure the rights to the characters and hopefully make a bigger budgeted version at some point. It too is available as a bootleg.

Both movies are routinely posted and pulled from YouTube and other such sites.

Down, you!

Some movies were released to home video, but only for a limited time, so they’re really hard to find. An example is the 1940 version of Swiss Family Robinson/ Disney withdrew it from circulation when they released their 1960 version. It’s occasionally been relkeased, but it’s obscure.

The 1910 version of Frankenstein made by Edison studios was thought to be a lost film until it turned up in a collector’s stuff. It was briefly available, recut into the proper order, but not for long. Of course, you can easily find it on YouTube now.

It used to be that you couldn’t find the TV movie Judge Dee and the Monastery Nurders on DVD. (My copy is dubbed from a VHS recorded from the TV), but I see it’s now available.

SWEET! That was the reason for the smilies. I was hoping if I posted without looking I would be wrong. (so I can now have a copy:D)
Kinda like lighting a cigarette at the restaurant to make the food come quicker.:eek::smiley: Those were the days.:cool::smiley:

Yeah, I’ve been planning one of those crossover alternative timeline road trips for months, but something keeps going wrong. Like my bro-in-law’s car… but he promised his Delorean will be all tricked out by late October, so we should be going in the next few weeks if all goes well. So, anybody want anything? I’m picking up Kit-Kats and Jiffy Peanut Butter, a few Berenstein Bears books, and some movies.

And, no, don’t ask for Shazaam or Big (or Sex In The City, or the Star Wars with the “real” C3PO) on Blu-Ray. Movies are only on Laserdisk or Betamax over there.

How can they all be bootlegs? Bootleg copies of what?

Amazon is showing a dvd copy for sale (at an exorbitant price). But it looks bootlegish.

Another annoying disappearance from the market is the 1972 version of Sleuth. When the movie was remade in 2007, the older version was withdrawn.

Presumably he means bootleg video transfers of the film (i.e., the celluloid strips distributed in reels to movie theatres), or VCR recordings of television broadcasts. (Yes, the movie has been shown on TV.)

But of course, this is a moot point, because it’s already been attested in this thread that Disney has made official releases of the movie on VHS. It just hasn’t (yet) done so for the US market.

On rereading this sentence, I realize how silly it sounds. I think we can all agree that by this point, Disney will never make an American release of Sound of the South on VHS. :smiley:

Holy cow, I think I saw this in the theater with my parents when I was a kid! Totally forgot about it, but now some memories are flashing back to my mind! Thanks for the blast from the past! :smiley:

I have it on VHS.

I’ve seen it, and I’m pretty sure it was on a rental DVD. The exact media escapes me, but I watched it in my living room, so unless it was on Turner Classics, it was probably rented.

Diary of a Mad Housewife was issued on VHS, but I had a hell of a time finding it. Thank you, Sulzer Library.

I’ve got you covered there! My players are still good.