Oh Great Goddess Of The Board, if you have to do a complete reboot of the board, I for one would understand. Go forth and kill the problem, be it human or machine. Our prayers, spells and incantations are with you.
Hey, if you all reboot and something goes wrong and out names are all mixed up, Can I be Satan? Or God? Any major diety is better than a young elephant king! Oh, wait, maybe some Dopers are Indian…
Well, I wasn’t expecting much in the genital, I mean general forum anyway. What’s with these lame topics? I don’t often think of a General question on the level of holes in shoepolish cans, but…still
LOL! Snark, I was trying to come up with a witty repsonse like that, but you beat me to it! Well, if the Batvirgin needs a sidekick, I’m ready to serve as well.