Actually, having them all made at the same time means they are all working under the same team, the same story (more than likely), the same actors, the same clothing… hey, its almost like one whole story!
I’m looking forward to the day when I can watch all three in a row
I think that this parallel was intentional on Tolkein’s part, why else do you think Strider tells the Hobbit the story in the Midgewater Marshes? It is clearly much on his mind as they are moving toward - Tolkein also saw the Beren/Luthien saga as a reflection of his own love affair with his wife (whose name escapes me…) to the point where thier gravestones (side by side) were engraved with the names of Beren and Luthien below thier own…
Actually, I think it would be easier to film all three at the same time. Consider for example that when filming a single movie, generally you film all the events that happen at a particular place at the same time, so you only have to go to that place once. If all three movies share some of the same places (and I don’t know if they do, I never read the books. What? Stop looking at me that way! ) then the scenes from all three films could be filmed on the same day.
Also, everyone will be wearing the same costumes, using the same props, etc.
I have heard that parts 2 and 3 of The Matrix are being shot simultaneously as well.
The main problem I had is that it was called “Quest for the Ring”. What the hell is that? There was no quest for a ring, they already had the f–king thing and were trying to get rid of it!
I watched this and now I’m not so sure I want to go see the movie, I’ve built up pictures in my imagination of what all the characters look like for 25 years now, I’m not sure if I want to ruin that.
.I saw, and rather enjoyed the special.I’ve been purposfully avoiding any pre release viewing of this film just because I don’t want it ruined for me.(replacing Glorflinal with Arwen Undomiel makes me tummy turn)But everyone else in the house was viewing it so I did as well.
. I was uprised when I saw who was playing Peregrine Took! Fans of PBS’s Mystery series already know this “unknown”,
as Heddie’s assistant Jeffery, tooling about London on his motor scooter.
. It just figgures that my favorite member of the company, Legolas the Elf,(I’ve written my own stories, and based an elvish character on him) is played by the sky diving freek.I do love the freeks!
. Another observation.Is it me or did they cast someone entirely too young to play Aragorn son of Arathorn?My own impressions of him from not only the text, but from the apendices, as well is that Aragorn was more Middle aged.
More the Sean Connery in Highlander look.
. On a good note,Damn! Elija Wood really does look like a Frodo!Make up and foot appliances or not!
. In my minds eye, Gandalf has always looked like a bearded Patrik Stewart.An’ Legolas has always looked like the Jock in High School you hated.
. I’m sure when this movie comnes out, there will be lots of opinions posted.Happy Viewing. :))
I thought the movie looked great. The special itself I thought was a little annoying. I guess I just wanted more. More, more, more.
The clip they showed of Moria/Chamber of Marzabul was fabulous. I liked how Legolas shot the troll right in the chest with an arrow and it didn’t even seem to notice.
I really hope the movie is good enough so that non-fanatics turn out to see it.
The best part about them filming the trilogy at one time is that the whole trilogy will be released in some form, if non-fanatics like them or not. They’ll probably still space them so that they have time to milk the merchandising for what it’s worth, though.
I have to say the Fox special actually got me interested in the damn movie.
It seriously whetted my appetite for the movie! I went to bed Thursday night thinking: I can’t wait 23 days. I’ll never make it. I can’t wait 23 days. I’ll never make it. I can’t wait 23 days. I’ll never make it…
I couldn’t quite peg the accents the characters were trying to do. When the actors spoke in their normal voices, Frodo and Sam (Elijah Wood and Sean Astin) sounded like regular American boys. But when Sean Astin spoke as Sam, he sounded rather Cockney. Merry and Pippin sounded Scottish, both when in character and out. Aragorn seemed to speak in Royal Shakespear in character and slightly less Royal Shakespear out of character. Gandalf was all British.
I always thought of him as Richard Harris. My roommate agrees. His thoughts: if they couldn’t get Richard Harris, then get Ian McKellan. If they couldn’t get Ian McKellan, there will be no movie.
You know… I’ve been lokking at this picture of the four Hobbits for about two weeks now trying to figure out why that actor looked familiar. It’s been soooooooo long since I’ve seen that series on TV [you are talking about the one in which the lady detective has that young lad staying on as a border in her house, right?].