And, carrying over from The Next Generation, we have:
Put down that yellow rose and listen to reason!
Abilene is “a song by Chuck Berry that tells the story of a hot rod race and a broken romance.”
And, carrying over from The Next Generation, we have:
Put down that yellow rose and listen to reason!
Abilene is “a song by Chuck Berry that tells the story of a hot rod race and a broken romance.”
I suggest you chuck that idea and bury it somewhere.
is the symbol of Canada, or a player for Toronto’s NHL team.
I suggest you make like a tree and leave, 'cuz maple leaf is what kids like to do when they’re pretending.
Okay, let’s play “house”. I’ll be the Daddy, you be the Mommy, and let’s say we’re Jewish and we’re having a toast. Hold up your glass, and say, Make believe!
Okay, let’s 'tend like we’re the mafioso, and Mazel Tav is what we throw to bomb an enemy!
Which only goes to prove that all violence stems from misunderstanding, since a Molotov is the substitution of one word for another, incorrect, word with a similar sound, usually to comic effect.
Wait a minute!
Since I named this game, I should know the danger of going in this direction. Let’s try it again.
Only if you’re throwing diseased flesh at the enemy, because Molotov is that island in the Hawiian chain that was famous for its leper colony.
Okay, I feel better now.
Well of course you feel better. Molokai is “to be overprotective and indulgent toward.”
Hoisted with my own petard!
Okay, how bout this:
Mollycoddle was Lucy Ricardo’s maiden name.
Ooh, ooh! I know this one!
Ah, you’re just an old stick in the mud, or a McGillicuddy!
[urban slang] Better smile when you say that! That’s not just any parental unit, that’s my fuddy-duddy! [/urban slang]
(think: Jerry Springer)
You’ve committed the mother of all errors.
Baby daddy
is a rich (generally old) man who subsidizes a hot young chick’s extravagant tastes in exchange for companionship and occasional sexual favors.
You’re on the right track, but there’s no diamond bracelet for you this time.
In fact, the phrase Sugar Daddy was the title of a Toby Keith song, a straight-to-video flick starring the hot chick from the Doritos commercial and the title of an infamous Fox reality show in 2005.
Wrongo-o, Daddy-o! A Who’s Your Daddy is someone from Indiana.
Well, I live in the state where they just had that big car race yesterday, and I have no kids. However, I do know that
Hoosier Daddy
is a 2007 flick in which Antwan Andre “Big Boi” Patton stars. According to its summary, it features “a rap mogul from Atlanta [who] tries to join a conservative country club in the Carolinas”.
>Blink Blink!< I don’t know how you can confuse a badass gangsta rapper with Who’s Your Caddy, a sweet Japanese cultural icon, beloved of teenage girls.
>blink, blink<
LOLZ! U r confuzed!
Hello, Kitty is an aircraft that uses rotors to achieve flight.
Well, it achieved flight all right – “flight” in the sense of “running away from the dinosaur with all the teeth.”
helicopter was “a small active carnivore that probably fed on protoceratops; possibly related more closely to birds than to other dinosaurs.”
Your so-called knowledge is apparently based solely in popular culture. Otherwise, you would know that a velociraptor is a precursor to the modern tricycle.
I wouldn’t be criticizing anyone else’s “so-called knowledge” there, pardner.
However, you can be forgiven for not having the the comprehensive knowledge of Ceciil Adams himself who pointed out that a velocipede was an “evildoer upon himself.”
(Ooooh, good word!)
I am overjoyed to inform you that felo-de-se is the state of being happy, or blissful.