Malcolm x was a greater intellect than Albert Einstein

Okay. Now what?

snort Yeah, ok then.

Look my whole point here is that

Malcolm X understood society, Einstein understood mechanics of the world

Sociological perspective is important…

i mean do you guys really think Einstein could keep up with Malcolm X if both had a conversation

Little know fact.

Albert had a conceal carry permit.

He woulda capped some ass before Big X knew what hit him.

You have now descended into naked racism, no less than if a white person claimed that Khoisan languages on evidence of African mongrelity on account of all the clicks. Not to mention that Malcolm’s milk tongue was English, a European language sharing a common ancestor with German

Feh. The axe is a rustic’s tool. The true measure of a man is whether he can reliably locate the g-spot.

that was more of a sarcastic post…not to be taken serious

look i just think Malcolm probably had a greater knowledge base than Einstein

Depends on what the conversation was about. Do you really think Malcolm X could pass a physics test written by Albert Einstein? While not a sociologist by degree (and neither was Malcolm X), Einstein was a highly intelligent man who wrote and publically spoke on a variety of subjects over his life time including politics and social problems. I have never heard of Malcolm X making any contributions to science.

Both were morons compared to Abe Vigoda.

Watch how his face registered “it’s over” as Tessio when he realized in a heartbeat Michael knew he was a traitor and he was about to be killed, and then when Fish is stoned on hashish brownies and feeling fully alive and robust and jealous of his wife for the first time in decades on the “Hash” episode of Barney Miller. Tell me that either Einstein or Malcolm X could have been able to do that kind of nuance just with eyebrows and a facial expression and I’ll demand YouTube prove it.

Thus speaketh the man who has never come up with an idea, let alone one that has completely transformed our everyday lives.


Nope, not complicated at all.


You’re allowed to think that, but you’re not making a very convincing argument for it.

The fact that he thinks that indicates a serious failure of our educational system.

That isn’t funny.

Mel Blanc is clearly a genius. He could speak like many, many different types of people. Malcolm X only spoke like Malcolm X. I’d like to see Malcolm X do his version of Foghorn Leghorn and then follow it up with Speedy Gonzalez. I bet it’s terrible.

Yep, you’ve said it, over and over again. Quit saying it-Show it. Back up your words with something other than your opinions.

Evidence free opinion arguments akin to “Einstein is dumb”, supplemented by naked bigotry (especially when it’s presented in such a buffoonish way by failing to realize that English is a Germanic language), are unlikely to be convincing to anyone.

What were their IQ’s?

To thanatic – I get that you want to discuss stuff that you find interesting, and that’s a fine thing, but in terms of discussing interesting things, this board is the big leagues… if you don’t have good, strong, logical and supported arguments, and if you can’t avoid making racist or otherwise bigoted statements, you’re going to be (metaphorically) swallowed up faster than a mouse at a cat convention.

Okay, in your own words, explain it to us.

I can think of several things that seem obvious once I hear about them. But to come up with that thing from scratch? That takes brains.

Einstein would have never taken that tongue photo if he knew about Malcolm X’s superior melanated taste buds.