Male dopers: A threesome with two women that you don't find particularly attractive

Quite a while ago I met a lesbian couple that was looking for a male third to join them in their (ahem) bedroom adventures and not-so-subtly hinted that the offer was available to me. I politely changed the subject because I was not single. Thinking back on it, wonder if I would’ve accepted the offer if I had been. As the thread title indicates, I didn’t find either of them particularly attractive though not to say they were hideous, they were pretty far from what I am normally attracted to. At the same time, I realize these sort of opportunities are fairly rare so maybe I would’ve just done it just so I could say I did. Plus it would’ve been an entirely new experience.
It’s moot now, but I’m curious, what would you have done if you were single and solicited by a lesbian couple that fell short of you standards in terms of physical appearance?

No - why would I want to get it on with someone who didn’t turn me on? For the novelty value? I’ll pass.

I’d mull it over over a couple of drinks.

Consider the proposition again.

Mull it over some more…

Speaking as someone whose sex life seems to have mostly entailed people I don’t find especially attractive, I can certainly say that in some parallel universe I’d’ve been all over that like jizz on a porn starlet’s face. Sheer naked curiosity would have done the necessary, given the proviso that the women weren’t hideous.

Why would a lesbian want to sleep with a guy.
Don’t lesbians like… you know, girls?
I would probably pass as I think threesomes are highly overrated.
They look good in porn, but I bet in real life they are more often than not very awkward.

Reason : doublepost

Isn’t that kind of like a two-for-one deal at a restaurant you don’t particular care for?

For some reason, I seem to attract lesbians. I’ve known two close couples. Not to put them down, but they weren’t extremely attractive (as I am not, either). There’s no particular reason for them to want to be attractive to guys, anyway.

I couldn’t imagine either set inviting me to join in their sexual fun, though. Any more than I can imagine a hetero couple inviting me in.
I’ll assume you were in a particularly favorable set of circumstances. Or unfavorable, depending on your feelings.

This thread calls for pictures. No judgment until receivement of pictures.

I have to confess, the first thought I had was very much along these lines.

“I hate eating there, the food is terrible! And the portions are so small!”

My husband did this (before I met him). His friends were a lesbian couple that were interested in sleeping with a man and became more interested after several drinks. Although it wasn’t the defining sexual peak of his life - threesomes are definitely overrated - he is glad he did it and enjoyed the experience. And yes, part of that is for the novelty value. He is one of those guys that will go to his grave with very few things left undone. But he’s just like that.
If it’s not something you’d ever really care to look back and say you did (which, if you don’t find them attractive I am betting is the real reason you would be doing it anyway) then I wouldn’t.
I do realize the opportunity is not here now, I’m just sayin’ in case it comes up again.

Exactly. Why be intimate with somebody (or somebodys) you don’t find attractive? Loserville.

Hey, you take what you can get. And extending the restaurant analogy, if the food’s reasonably palatable I’ll consider it an acceptable deal if I’m guaranteed not to go away hungry. :stuck_out_tongue:

The only time I was involved in a threesome, one of the parties ended up being a third wheel. If everyone’s not into everyone equally, it can be awkward.

Heh, something like that. Except they were offering an enticing dish that you’ve never tried and may never be able to again.

GEORGE CARLIN: Here’s somethin’ about me . . . I never fucked a ten, but one night, I fucked five twos! And I think that oughta go down as a positive accomplishment!

Two fives would have that beat. I’d hit it.

Genuine lesbians turn me on. So, probably.

If single, I absolutely would have done it. I really enjoy trying new things and the novelty would be a big turn on.

Edit to add: If I were male…oops.

Yeah, howcum you never see 'em in pr0n? Do they even look at pr0n?