Not quite bad enough for the pit, but fuck this clown
If some punk jumps on my car, that’s a beatin’.
If he sits on my lap and kisses me, that’s a beatin’.
Yanks my underwear up my ass? that’s a beatin’, plus cops are called.
I understand he thinks it’s harmless play, but no one asked to be part of his crazy.
I’ve got a good sense of humor, but if some fucker jumps on my back while I’m strolling through the park one day, some fucker is getting broken ribs in return.
That Partridge kid Danny Bonaduce had a dumb ass jump on his back during an Awards show.
Bonaduce just shrugged him off and the guy landed on his face. Bonaduce never punched the idiot. Thats what people should have done to that jerk in the CNN article. Wedgies are junior high school pranks. Adults don’t give wedgies to anyone.
I saw the article the other day & meant to post it but never did; of course it was Florida. I agree with OP, if it happened to me, I wouldn’t be too embarrassed to press charges – after I F him up, & give him a Turkish Camelback Ride*
This is the Mutha of all wedgies - First a big wedgie, then face first on the ground, then bring their leg up behind them & hook their toes/shoe tip under the elastic in the band. :eek: The only way out of one is to pull the material up even higher - in essence a self wedgie to free yourself. Ahhh, high school track initiation; fond memories (since I never got one)! One guy got a double, & with both legs bent up behind him, didn’t have the leverage to free himself. He was rocking back & forth for about 5 minutes.
Actually, I’m rather surprised that someone hasn’t flattened his ass before this. Especially if he makes a habit of kissing guys and sitting on their laps. I don’t think that would go over too well with a lot of guys in my area.
The guy’s an idiot. In the video he says that he’s sorry if anyone was offended by his wedgies. He doesn’t seem to get that it’s not just a matter of being offended. A wedgie isn’t necessarily harmless. He doesn’t know anything about these people he’s assaulting. What if the person has had recent surgery or has to wear a catheter or something? He could cause real physical damage with this bullshit.
I wonder if he’s giving wedgies only to men. If some man put his hand down the back of my pants to pull my underwear up, you can bet I’d be reporting it as a sexual assault.