Man, I think Madison Avenue has me figured out!

You know, I swear I used to see a lot more commercials for stuff that had no interest in at all (toys, feminine hygeine products, geritol, etc.). It seems that most all the TV ads I see anymore are aimed right at me (well, my demographic, but you know what I mean).

Now, I realize that some of it is that I’m a bachelor so I watch my shows and don’t have to sit through any kids’ shows or watch Lifetime (thank God). But still, even in college when I lived with four other guys in one house I recall seeing more ads that just didn’t concern me.

Are Ad Execs getting that much better at predicting the demographics of a particular shows viewers? Or have I just become much more predictable within my demographic? Has anyone else noticed that they see fewer ads for products they couldn’t possibly care for?

Are you sure that you and your buddies in college weren’t avid viewers of Days of Our Lives, and you are just blocking it out now?

psst…Bottle of Smoke…I hate to admit it, but yeah, we did watch soap operas quite a bit in college…don’t tell anyone though.

Not to worry. It’s just between you and me. And the 10,000 people on this message board.

And (don’t tell anyone), I can’t believe that they killed off Patch, just when it looked like he and Kayla would finally be happy.

Yes, there’s a whole science (well more of a buncha theories) devoted to demographics and advertising. Most of it is based on prior behavior, e.g. if someone buys X, they’re likely to buy Y.

And dammit, I loved Patch!