Man, I want a Arizona/PhoenixDopeFest to happen so bad. Anyone up for it?

FallFast, forgive me, but I was assuming there was. :o Most the mountain trail ranges around here have mini recreational parks around the bases. I guess I just thought Weever’s did too. :wink:

I’ve not ever hicked the Needle, but I’ve been up Fremont’s (Freedmont?) Saddle. Thrice. Once having to come down at night. That wasn’t fun, let me tell you. Nice view of WN from up there.
Tempe Town Lake sounds great. Never been there before. And Jan 10 or 11 sounds like it’s available for the majority. I’m sorry you wouldn’t be able to make it autz, but something else will be filling your days with a happiness that would be uncomparable to a DopeFest anyway. :wink: Congradulations.

Now…where is Mauvaise in this thread? Heh.

I could have sworn I read that Jodi did live here in Arizona somewhere. Man, what I smoking then?

What were you smoking?? :slight_smile:

Jodi lives in Washington State. Jodi’s parents live in Phoenix in the winter (not that you care), so Jodi is not infrequently down there. Not on the weekend in question, though. Y’all have fun. SCOUT, have a good race, AUTZ have a good baby! :slight_smile:

Thank you for coming in and clearing that up. :smiley: Next time you do come down, make sure you make a topic regarding it. Perhaps that would spawn off a DF as well.