Man, my kids didn't even get the good stuff!

Halfway through trick or treat, I realised that my kids didn’t get any of the good stuff!
You know those Jack Chick tracts!
Seriously though.
My oldest son stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and yelled “wow, that house gave us the best stuff!”
Which sent me into fits of laughter as I thought about that ad for the Halloween tract.
Having never seen one in real life, I was wondering if any Doper Heathens recieved such a wonderful gift on Halloween?

… looks at date, time of OP…

you go trick-or-treating on Halloween Eve?

Avoids the rush, I guess, but you probably get a lot of confused looks…

My guess is the OP isn’t in America. Yes?

Yes, right here in Iowa some towns go the night before, and some go the night of.
We have the big parade tonight.
And it also gives the kids a chance to trick or treat two nights in two different towns if the mood strikes.
We can’t be the only ones to do this.

Should have stopped by Chez Beagle, Kricket. We gave out little airline liquor bottles to the tykes. The glint in their eyes after we said “drink up” was just precious. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, many communities in Ohio trick or treat on Halloween Eve - known as Beggar’s Night.

Wow! I’m in Ohio and I had no idea. I better stock up on candy early next year just in case.

P.S. Hiss! Boo! to the house that gives out Chick Tracts. That house is just asking for an egging.

You know Dave I thought about stopping by with the heathens, but we only had three out of five of them last night.
And heck, I could have used some of those little magic bottles last night.
We were suprised last night that we actually saw some original homemade using your brain kind of costumes.
One or two were dressed as a milk carton.
But then we saw alot without anything at all which is just plain wrong. If you feel you can still go out for Halloween, you should put the effort into dressing, otherwise you are just begging.
I am pushing 30 this year, and I still dress. I don’t think I have ever missed a year!

What’s a Chick Tract? Some kind of religious propaganda doled out to kids?

Last year, some born again types around the corner handed my kids candy with a typewritten note attached telling them they were sinners if they weren’t born again. I took it back to the house, tossed it on their stoop and said “You should be ashamed of yourselves, telling children they’re sinners.”

Chick Tracts

Yes Elvis, as Delta was nice enough to put the link in for us, check it out.
Some funny stuff in there.

So, now, the day after everybody else should have taken their heathens one day or the other I ask again…
Who got the good stuff?

IIRC someone said you could find them in local religious stores, but when I went to the mall yesterday I didn’t get the chance to stop in and look to see if they had any.

My kids got a couple of “Christian Banter” pamphlets, but they weren’t from good’ol Jack.

Just just ripped them up and tossed 'em.

[sub](NOTE TO SELF: Next year, take note of which house the kids get these from.[/sub]

Kids in Ohio can trick-or-treat the night before Halloween? Man, when I was a kid in Michigan, we just smashed mailboxes and set Detroit on fire.

[sub][sup]**NOTE:**Juniper does not condone Devil’s Night activities and never had the guts to participate in them herself.[/sub][/sup]