Last year I started a thread about how when we went trick or treating my heathens didn’t get the good stuff aka Chick tracts.
This year one of them recieved one.
Scary stuff I’ll tell you!
In the neighborhood we went to there was a really cool homemade haunted house that we went to.
Really well done and at the end they gave out full size candybars for those who made it to the end.
Well, the candy bars, apples, and Chick tracts!
Isn’t that kind of an oxymoron?
You go all out for Halloween and then give out tracts saying how you are going to hell?
I’m confused?
We were all excited because while waiting in line they broke us up into groups of two to three to go with tour guides. Some of us were labeled “not food” or “food”. What a way to build the anticipation.
I mean it really worked on the heathens. Wondering what in the heck was going to happen in there since none of them had ever been in a haunted house.
At the end nothing happened because of the labels it was all part of the scare! Kinda cool really.
They had all the normal stuff like Jason and Mike Myers and scream masks and that horrible evil clown!
I mean it wasn’t like it was a theme of burn in hell, it was a normal fun house/haunted house.
Then Chick tracts?!