Man puches bear trap for martial arts demo. Goes about how you would expect.

This guy punches a bear trap. Goes about how you would expect.

There is no explanation with the first video.I looked around trying to find the reason he was doing it. The jackass doing this [URL=“”]is a radio personality. I assume he was trying to copy the martial arts guy in the video below, but for whatever reason he didn’t seem to be pulling it back.

Some commentators onthis martial arts demo video claim it’s obvious the martial arts guy is using a trap that has been modified to be slower and weaker than a full on serious bear trap.

Wow, that’s really stupid. It was nice to see everyone else had better sense.

I love the way he acts surprised at the pain. What the hell did he expect?

I’m surprised there wasn’t blood everywhere.

People there are having trouble with being attacked by bear traps?

Like attacks by feral bricks wasn’t bad enough.


You can’t fix stupid.

Martial Artists frequently rig things to work correctly. I have no evidence this one did so, but I would never try this with a “real” bear trap.

I waited…and waited…and waited…and it didn’t happen till the last 5 seconds? THAT’S IT! I’m glad it happened…waste my time…grumble grumble

Yeah, at first I thought the spikes would cause serious injury, but the skin wasn’t even broken? Are bear traps this tame?

The video is titled “Dieter Puts his Hand in a Beartrap.” Why is it relevant that he’s dieting? Was he doing this to keep himself from reaching for food?

Looks like an attempt at viral advertisement for a trashy radio show.

Ummm assuming this isn’t a whoosh (I can’t tell anymore), Dieter is a persons name.

Edited to add: I read this thread title as ‘Man Punches Bear’, which would have been much more interesting.

Ditto :frowning:

Oops. I didn’t read thoughtfully enough. I saw the word one way and didn’t think about alternatives.

Easily done!

Yes you can. You’ll need a bear trap, though.

Yet the result would have been just as predictable.

That was boring. They could have cut the first two minutes out of both of those videos, it would have been a lot more interesting.

It’s this sort of youtube link that makes me want to start a movement. The link below goes to the money shot, no wasted time.

Your homographic confusion has become tiresome…

Artist’s rendition.