Mango Pickle, sweet, sadistic seducer!

I know that the entire inside of my body will hurt immensely in three hours, but I can’t stop eating it! I simply can’t help but gorge, and to hell with the wracking bowel pains of the future! I don’t remember what life was like before I discovered it.

Oooooooo! Someone else who loves mango pickle! Yum! Have you tried lemon pickle? Almost as good.

My aunt makes her own mango pickle. Last year I went to her house (she lives in CO), and have just finished up the two jars she gave me. So I am reduced to store-bought again. :frowning: Ah well - not as good but still delicious!

I tried to make some last summer, with little clue of how to do it. It was a disaster. I think I’d need to start with green mangos, but I’ve no idea where to come up with those on the mainland, alas, so it’s all storebought for me.
There’s other little jars of subcontinent-style assorted pickled this and that that I will try to branch out into.

I don’t know how to make it either. I guess I should ask.

And I’m afraid I don’t know where Republic of Cascadia is. O rthe “mainland”…?

Oh, northwest US. Used to live in Hawaii where the things were plentiful in all forms, and free for the taking in my neighborhood.

You don’t get green mangoes? I live in NE US and I get them here in the spring & summer fairly often. Right in the grocery store. If not, how about a organic food store?

Why would mango pickle give you pain in the bowels?

Well, it is often very spicy, or the excess of oil it’s cooked in, or something like that. I’m sure capybara will tell you but it happens to people I know, too.

Edit: It’s not cooked, sorry, but *made *, i guess is the word.