Manhattan is a Twinkie

You callin’ me low-down equivocator? :wink:

Manhattan is a stack of unmarked currency, small bills, non-sequential numbers.

Date Registered: 01-06-2003
Status: Member
Total Posts: 1467 (21.92 posts per day)

I would say yes.


No, I open lots of threads I don’t post to. :stuck_out_tongue:

Manhattan is an AOL Trial CD - With 1,000,000 Free Hours*!
*Within first month of service.

Manhattan is about twenty-four dollars worth of beads and trinkets.

Damn, you beat me to it. I was gonna say:

manhattan is an orgasm.

I think, I REALLY like Manhattan… :smiley:

I guess Manhattan is a troll. I’m not too up on gay bar lingo. Who knew?

Of course, I’ll have to do follow up test and confirm Gobear’s results. All in the interest of science, of course! :smiley:

Manhatten is also one who has said “Golly Gee Gosh Darn” when I intentionally mispell his name in weak attempts at humor.

How in the HELL can i misspell “misspell”?! :smack: