Men, do you manscape? What products do you recommend? I’m considering Bodygroom for my man.
You’re joking, right?
Are there any straight men who would even consider something like this? :eek:
Maybe I’m just an old fogy, after all.
The return of the Metrosexual?
Depends on what body part we’re talking about, if we’re talking about full removal or trimming, what length of body hair etc.
Sure, lots of guys are sensitive about their body hair. Especially guys who spend a lot of time with their shirts off or working out.
If you just spent a ton of time and effort sculpting your muscles, you’d want to show them off - whether shirtless or wearing a revealing shirt. And if your nicely sculpted muscles were covered in unsightly hair, wouldn’t you want to get rid of it?
Also, some women don’t like body hair (I am not one of those women), and some guys would rather turn on their women than have body hair.
I don’t think it’s gay at all. In fact, I don’t think it’s even that “metrosexual.” To me, metrosexual is all about wearing the best clothes and having the best hair - not wearing the least clothes and having the least hair
I shave my pits in summer. I’m hyperhydrotic, and it keeps me cooler and neater. But that (and my face) is where I draw the line.
I’ve known some workout hogs who shaved their chests, abs and backs. They go for a certain type of lady who prefer that look, I guess.
Shaving it off has to be preferable to waxing IMHO.
No thanks, I’m not into the twink look.
I have, however, experimented with trimming my pubic hair (cutting it short with scissors) because it’s kinda bushy down there, and it supposedly makes your dick look bigger. In the end, I decided that this is ridiculously vain, plus I wondered what people would think if they looked into my bathroom garbage can and saw a pile of pubic hair clippings.
The most I regularly do is pluck the few stray dark hairs that grow between my eyebrows. Nobody’s seem me shirtless in a while (unfortunately), so I don’t bother to deal with my (sparse) back hair. I’ll probably try waxing it once I have a decent excuse. Anything more seems overboard to me.
I manscape my pubic hair.
I don’t take it all off. I mean, you don’t want to look like you’re 8 years old.
But I do keep it short and squared-off. This give a nice, neat appearance.
I think a lot of girls these days appreciate it (read: more frequent/better oral). It sends the message that you are paying attention down there, keeping it clean, you know? Also, it tends to enhance the appearance of your equipment. What guy doesn’t want that? Also, I think it reduces scent retention by virtue of less hair. Also a plus, generally.
Oh! We’re talking about chests. Ick, no.
I’m all about the pubic trimming, though. The last girl I dated brought me into the wonderful world of pubic trimming, and I…let it all grow back out because I was using her trimmer and I haven’t picked a new one up since she dumped me. This thread reminded me, though, I need to get me one.
My eyebrows are rather high maintenance, so I’m going to have them dug up and replaced with decking.
No, I’m not kidding at all. The guy I’m seeing is kind of gorilla-ish and I am a beach girl. All the hair (especially on his lower back) is totally unappealing. I want it tamed, not completely removed.
Make sure you use a product like Trex or Geodeck. Don’t use any of that pressure treated stuff because you want to keep the chemicals out of your eyes.
If you do wax make sure it’s done right. I let my fiance do it once and it was not a pleasant experience. I’ve had some issues with ingrown hairs since then too.
He is on board with this plan, I hope. Hair removal isn’t something you want to spring on someone unawares.
I admit that I had thought manscaping only referred to trimming and whatnot of the pubes. I didn’t know it extended to other hair.
The kiwi-chasing scissors in the Bodygroom link are hilarious.
Depending on how long it is, you could use scissors to trim it down or if it is shorter you could try an electric razor on a high setting. (possibly scissors then razor if needed) Any place you want it gone altogether, a regular razor works just fine. I get a tiny patch on my lower back that my SO razors off every now and then and it isn’t a big deal.