Marcie allowed me to do her laundry today! All alone and unsupervised! After seven years together she has finally decided that I can be trusted to do her laundry for her. I did have to pass a quiz this morning, though:
White stuff: all white stuff, no colors. Wash warm, rinse cold, regular cycle, hang up to dry.
Colored stuff: all colored, no white. Cold wash, cold rinse, gentle cycle, hang up to dry.
Dainty feminine stuff: completely separate, cold wash with Woolite, cold rinse, delicate cycle, hang up to dry.
I dunno. He had 7 years of guilt-free exemption. That’s pretty good in my book. I wouldn’t say he got suckered. And all he has to do is screw it up once to get another 7 or so years of exemption.
You may not be able to tell it yet but you ruined a article of her clothing. The ruined item is her favorite and she will never be able to replace it. Plus, it was really expensive.
Oh Noooooooo! You should have washed her silk undies with the greasy garage rags, hallway rug and some grass bur infested socks using hot water, Mr. Clean and Go Jo. Now your are stuck with this task for life.
If you ever want to try getting her to do YOUR laundry, you should wear around her underwear once you run out, until she caves and washes yours. Be sure to pick out the lacy ones.